Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The recent disclosure from the release of more White House e-mails about Benghazi, reveal that the Rice was cooked before she went out and lied to the American people, that it was a protest caused by a video.

Interestingly enough the deputy national security advisor to the White House, Ben Rhodes, was the person that prepared Secretary Rice's risotto of lies, turns out to be the same man that came out months later on the Sunday talks shows, to defend his President against allegations that he was absent during the crises. Remember that Rhodes said that the President was engaged during the Benghazi crises yet he could not recall what room the President was in during the attack?  

Yes this is also the same Ben Rhodes, who happens to be the brother of CBS President David Rhodes, who just by coincidence  gave Mike Morell (ex-CIA deputy director) a job as a contributor to that broadcast station. You remember Mike Morell, he  recently testified to Congress that he changed the Benghazi talking points but there was no political influence involved in that decision?   

CBS President David Rhodes is the man that shut down the good reporting of Benghazi by Sharyl Attkissson, who was trying to uncover the identity of the person who had changed the talking points. Sharyl never had the support from CBS and as a result quit the network that never gave her excellent reporting air time.

The recent revelations about Ben Rhodes prepping Susan Rice uncovers the sewer cap long hidden amid the bogus finger pointing between the White House, Department of State and the CIA, that all claimed a lack of responsibility for the Benghazi video lie.

Yes, there was a White House connection. Yes, there was a planned and staged scheme to falsify the facts to make the President not be seen before the election as a failure in foreign policy and a fool claiming "Al-Qaida was decimated". Yes, we are finally approaching the  uncovered sewer cap now, but there is far more to learn as to what is crawling around under the Benghazi scandal tunnels.

Ben Rhodes doesn't have the authority or the pay grade to have been the one that ordered the Benghazi lie. He is merely a excrement dredger asked to help Susan Rice tiptoe around the noxious lies this ultra-political White House uses instead of the truth. No, there are bigger swamp gators here that are still hiding in the underground network of underhandedness in this Benghazi scourge of betrayal.

Americans died, our government lied and the truth has been cast aside by a conspiratorial political avarice to win an election. Now we are beginning to smell the rancid fumes left behind by the elites in power that orchestrated this heartless fraud and cowardly abandonment of our fighting men in Benghazi.   

How campish and corrupt this administration is, as it continues to cover-up the Benghazi scandal and the collusion with liberal mainstream media to promote the President by overt lies and disinformation. Shame on any government official in any of the many departments involved, who continue to keep silent rather than be full throat-ed and expose the persons responsible for the Benghazi cover-up.  
This was a conspiracy folks, and one doesn't need to wear a tin foil hat to see the smoke rising from the hot gun. The only question Americans need to ask Congress is, when will they appoint a special prosecutor to expose and aggressively uncover all the players responsible for this deadly political fraud.

Americans will not accept that this was just a tri-department (State Dept. CIA, White House) bureaucratic comedy of errors, for otherwise, it would suggest a deeper unfathomable corruption. No, we know it was a carefully executed public relations stunt for Obama's re-election and that is abhorrent enough. 
Benghazi will continue to be a an ugly act of political expediency over the lives of brave men. We will continue to prod and haunt our representatives until the shame is exposed, completely!

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