Sunday, May 18, 2014


The Democrat Party, media pundits and liberal activists have circled the wagon around a president that has shown contempt and defiance for America's Constitution and the value of law we inherently hold dear as a nation. 

Their defensive arguments addressing Obama's many constitutional transgressions run the childish gamut from finger pointing at the previous administration to sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming a mantra of mockery with the intend to marginalize the transgressions.

In their insulated world of Obama deification they label every American that is critical of this President as racists, misogynistic, homophobic, ignorant, bitter, tin-foil crazy and hate-filled. However this name calling kill-the-messenger campaign eventually backfires.

As the old children's retort proclaims "I am rubber you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" the public is becoming weary of the Democrats and their constant pompous palliation. 

Because with the rise of independent voters, what is growing painfully obvious to party politicians is that Americans do think outside of the partisan box, and the Democrat Party is the party that fears the truth. In every scandal their party has hurled distractive insults toward legitimate questions using absurd analogies to congressional fact finding as witch-hunts and circuses. 

When Democrat Party members are asked simple pointed questions that Americans deserve answers to, they shrug them away as either administrative mistakes or obfuscate using the immature game of "He or she did it too." (George Bush) 

America was once an honorable country that took pride is always seeking, finding and exposing the truth even if it hurt our reputation. The lesson of Watergate wasn't that all Republicans were corrupt (as Democrats might want you to believe) but rather that our Constitution and rule of law is only as strong as We the People demand it to be.

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are the faces of a party that not only  ignores the Constitution (Obamacare) but they and their members have been perpetrating a campaign with a complicit media to hide the truth from the American people. The Democrat Party's representation has dissolved to become an Obama shield party. 

We should be asking the Democrats and those supporting the left why doesn't America have the right to know the truth. Why doesn't America deserve the truth about Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious and any and all administration and government scandalous behavior? Why are you supporting deceitful secrecy when you claim to be in favor of transparent government?

Why don't we know who, what and for what purpose was there a gun running sting operation that illegally allowed weapons to be bought by criminals and cross our border without any effort to interdict them? Who has been held accountable for the deaths of law enforcement officials killed by the Fast and Furious guns? 

If there is nothing to hide, then why are people exercising the fifth Amendment?  Who in the White House directed the IRS to target conservative groups? Why is the IRS being allowed to continue to harass conservatives by subjecting Tea Party donors to audits ten times the normal average? Why did Nancy Pelosi appoint Elijah Cummings to sit as vice Chairman on the IRS oversight Committee to so-call investigate wrong-doing, when we now know he and his staff co-conspired with Lois Lerner to harass True the Vote?  

For Democrats to continue to defend the indefensible actions of this administration and provide cover for such dishonorable service leads one to only two conclusions. Either the Democrat Party have no propriety and dignity left or they were involved more closely with these scandals then is yet known. In the case of the IRS targeting we are starting to discover that some members of Congress (Cummings) were playing  the role of judge, jury, and  defense lawyer while cynically caught being one of the defendants.  

Why don't we know why Ambassador Stevens was put in harm's way in Benghazi, without security, by our then Secretary of State? Why don't we know who promoted the bold faced lie about a protest caused by an obscure video? Why didn't we try to save our personnel under attack? Why was there a young green gilled "Dude" in the situation room (National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor) while the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, has yet to account for his whereabouts during the attack?
It seems that the cover-ups  and the closed curtain on the truth is the only thing transparent in our current government run by ideologues committed to transforming America by savaging all vestiges of honor and accountability.

The media has been absent at best and a tall tale teller for the elites in power at worst. However, as much power as the news media has over some Americans who are politically half asleep, truth is a powerful bestirring stimulant.

Americans deserve full discloser, candid testimony from government officials and real consequences for any in our government that acted either illegally or failed to act honorable under their oath of office. When either political Party engages to cover up the facts, lie to the American people or refuse to investigate wrong doing in our government , then they are violating their oath " faithfully discharge the duties of the office," and the public's trust.

                "Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men."
                                                      (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

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