Monday, April 14, 2014


The recent revelations that the vice chairman of the House Oversight Committee Elijah Cummings Democrat from Maryland, used the power of his office to unleash the IRS attack dogs on True the Vote is astounding.  Especially given the fact that this Democrat Representative wanted to shut down the investigation of IRS targeting by the committee back in June of 2013.

Cummings said on CNN in an interview with Candy Crowley Based upon everything I’ve seen, the case is solved. If it were me, I’d wrap this case up and move on.Now we know why the Congressman was so eager to move on. Not only was he and his staff up to their eyeballs in soliciting the IRS to scrutinize True the Vote and its founder Catherine Engelbrecht but apparently Lois Lerner provided his staff with confidential tax information. 

In fact when True the Vote's lawyer, Cleta Mitchell raised the issue of Cumming's involvement in the targeting during a February 2014 testimony before the committee. Cummings flatly denied her assertions that three separate letters from Cumming's office requested the same information of True the Vote as did the IRS. This raised obvious collusion suspicions between the IRS and Cummings that now have been exposed by recent e-mails between Lois Lerner and Cummings's staffers. 

Also noteworthy, is that Rep Cummings's sent a letter to House Majority leader Boehner prepared by lawyers claiming that Lois Lerner did not waive her Fifth Amendment rights because Chairman Issa did not utilize a procedural process in order to hold Lerner in contempt. This behind the scenes advocacy begged people to ask why Cummings was acting like Lois Lerner's lawyer?    

Why did Cummings try and make a circus out of the IRS corruption hearing in March? The Committee had recalled Lois Lerner believing she might be willing to testify, but she instead re-invoked her Fifth Amendment, and after Issa adjourned the Committee, Cummings  had a typical Democrat grandstanding temper tantrum;
" I am a member of the Congress of the United States of America. I am tired of this. We have members over here each who represent between them 700,000 people. You cannot just have a one-sided investigation. There is absolutely something wrong with that. That is absolutely un-American."

Now that a recent e-mail has surfaced from Lois Lerner to Cummings's staff intrusively seeking information on True the Vote perhaps it is becoming more filthy clear that this Congressman is all up in it to his elbows. 

Funny, that the letters from Cummings office to Catherine Engelbrecht group were mirror images of the inquiries being made of the group by the IRS. Funnier still is that the Vice Chairman of the Committee Cummings has kept this correspondence secret from the Committee and its members investigating the illegal targeting of non-profit conservative groups. Funny or tragic that these recent revelations have not caused Cummings to be removed from the Committee, criminally investigated and defamed by the media for his deception.

The stench of the Democrats party corruption is powerful strong and blowing downwind toward voters and one should expect even loyalists to gag and wretch. Instead Cummings is invited to go on FACE THE NATION to make idiotic statements about Democrats needing to speak about Obamacare being a moral issue. Moral?

The corruption and bullying of American citizens by progressive Democrats and their use of government unions, have corralled most all of the federal bureaucratic  agencies to ask "how high" when they are told to jump. The use or should I say abuse by lawmakers that have used federal agencies as their own private attack dogs against their political enemies is what the IRS investigation is all about isn't it? Now we find the vice Chairman of the Committee Elijah Cummings with his fingerprints are all over the IRS canine collar with the Democratic party and the sycophantic media holding the leash.

Meanwhile Obama's Attorney General "smidgeon" hunter, Eric Holder has been given the Lois Lerner contempt charges to prosecute amid the public's cynical awareness that our chief justice officer is himself contemptuous of Congress and a race baiting immoral party loyalist.

Americans are not dumb enough to believe that justice will be served while this party and administration  replete with corruption remains in the seat of power. Even the most politically unaware understands that "crap runs downhill" and low rung civil servants are just the mere shovel wielders for those elites that are in denial that their outflow doesn't stink.

Representative Cummings tirade that was plastered in the media and caused Representative Issa to apologize is endemic of the surreal world in America today. Who will be held accountable for the many unconstitutional breaches by this administration? Who will be charged and sent to jail for abuse of power, election fraud, intimidation of their office, withholding evidence, obstruction of justice?  Who will apologize to the American people for the corruption oozing out of Washington and causing a malaise of federal tyranny in America?

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