Sunday, July 13, 2014


The Democrat Party is engaging in an aggressive trafficking of lies, distortions and surreal fact dodging of the reality staring in front of the American people. They apparently believe that low-info voters will close their eyes and not notice the crumbling bricks of the Democrat's tower of babble being felled by the simple force of truthful actuality.

The recent Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision handing a blow to Obamacare along with the heating up of damming evidence of corruption in the IRS  and  Benghazi scandals are alone enough to expect Democrats to run from the White House border. Yet, instead they have doubled down on false prophecies and brazenly defy evidence, to continue to sell illusion.

Harry Reid is calling Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a white man while Nancy Pelosi winded at a press briefing, that five men on the court did a gynecologic exam on American women and denied them the right to use diaphragms. In order to believe Senator Reid and Representative Pelosi you can't just be low-info, you are in worse shape than that, in fact, pinch yourself, are you alive?

Every day the multiple political con games of the Obama administration and his Democrat Party are being exposed. Shamelessly, this does not cause either the President or the Party to admit failing instead they twerk and prance onward through the forest of scandals, singing their lies and lame excuses.

The border crises has the progressives re-scripting  their defensive rants against concerned Americans by using spell-check to find and replace  "racists" to "bigots". Words and phrases like deportation, sovereignty and  illegal aliens, have now been flagged as politically incorrect  and bigoted terminology by the smug morally superior narcissistic leftist.

Their progressive yellow brick road has lead America to conclude that the President is not just a fraudulent wizard pontificating plenty of hot air without a balloon, but that he and his party are missing brains, a heart  and the nerve to be honest about failure.

The mainstream media might still be in the Democrat camp, feverously oiling the tin man while they allow the scarecrow to get away with brainless comments about the Hobby Lobby ruling without challenging her fabricated facts. Nor do they slap down the cowardly lion that hides behind the Senate majority  podium as he continues to slander the reputations of good men without consequences. However, time and truth have an incredibly simple way of pouring cold water on the stains of witchy lies and melting away their spells. 

The land of Donkey behinds of a different color is no longer sprouting rainbows or able to stuff, polish, shine and brush away the corrosive, corrupt and crony policies that have emboldened our enemies and make us vulnerable to worse than just mockery.  

Americans have been in the poppy or poopy fields too long and despite their one upon a time belief, in the wizard of redistribution, job creation, affordable healthcare, defender against terrorism and transparent effective government, they see the little man behind the curtain, teleprompting a misinformation fairy tale.

Even the most gullible lullaby league and lollipop guild munchkin voters are no longer singing "Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la," in support of the President and his Party, who's leadership bell is out of order. They are realizing that the constant knock of hollow excuses that blames the GOP for every domestic and foreign crises caused by their policies, is as cowardly as a lion chasing "Toto".

Democrats lie about their corruption while the GOP burrows its head in the sand, as both parties await another election. Meanwhile the country reels with crises after crises wondering with worry, frustration and growing disdain, that nothing and no one, is defending the citizens against the bureaucratic flying monkeys stomping on their rights. 

They are not just ignoring the failures of their policies and ideology but they are delusional in believing that the public  will continue to view them as the good witch when their reign ends. The signs are visible in  the dismal polls that reflect how their President will go down in history.

Yes Obama, the leader of the Democrat Party, "will be his, will be his, will be history" but they won't glorify his name, instead his legacy will finally reflect the truth; his partisan progressive politics without the "ruby slippers" of media propaganda, shrivels up its socialists legs under the weight of its deceit.

The mayors of Munchkin D.C.  need to start  joining Dorothy-ian  Americans  in a quest to appreciate that there is no place like America, and start respecting her proud Constitution and rule of law.   

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Calculated Chaos

The  administration and his Democrat Party  have been sending the world the clear message  that our American borders are open for illegal entry. Obama's lawless lack of border enforcement and continual public advocacy for immigration reform that would reward lawbreakers with amnesty has led to child exploitation.By Obama's unilateral implementation of the Dream Act and not enforcing deportation laws, the President mocks his sworn oath of office and has created a humanitarian crises.

Poll after poll, time after time, the American public in plurality have sent Washington a clear message against proposed amnesty for those who have demonstrated contemptuous ignorance of our nation's bedrock basis of freedom; respect and compliance with the law.  

There is no rule of law on immigration under Obama for he and his Party have politicized America's security. The Obama arrogance and his party of progressive prevaricators keep suggesting that America is a democracy; wrong, and that the people support immigration reform, wrong; and Congress, specifically the GOP has stopped immigration reform; wrong again. America is a democratic Republic; correct, the public is clamoring for border security; correct, the constituents or the taxpayers stopped the gang of eight's amnesty bill; correct.  
 Politicians on the left treat America as neither a democracy nor a Republic for they ignore the public will (Obamacare), ignore  Congressional decisions (recess appointment, defeat of Dream Act) and ignore state rights.

They have used their statists mindset to appoint the activists judges necessary to misconstrue our Constitution and nullify the voice of the majority. No greater example of this elite statism are the liberal judges on the Federal Circuit Court and their esoteric leftist nonsensical interpretations of the 14th Amendment that has born America "anchor babies", and overturned people's referendums on marriage laws.

This fickle adherence to comply only to laws that one agrees with while discounting those one dislikes is the loose thread, that continues to be pulled by Obama and his party that is fast becoming the unraveling of the fragile fabric of American justice.

Obama and his party claim that child crises on our border is spontaneous and unrelated to Obama's policies yet on the other side of their mouth they argue that the solution is immigration reform or policy change. Not only is this another Democrat lie and a ploy to import more votes for their progressive causes it shows their utter disdain for the human tragedy their political goals have created.  

Those paying attention to the unconscionable flood of illegal child immigrants pouring into our borders understand that an Obama policy generated the crises. They equally know it to be a cynically calculated political ploy (Cloward-Piven strategy) to challenge compassionate Americans to soften their deportation desires of illegal aliens once they see the sad faces of innocent children warehoused by our government.

The theater is not yet full but backstage the props are almost set up for Obama and his socialists actors, to give their command political performance, to beseech the American public to have pity for the plight of these foreign children or should we say their new group of politically exploited victims.

We can hear the them murmuring their scripted lines of lies backstage, as we buy our popcorn and wait for their new political ploy play that is as dog-eared and hackneyed as bad soap opera re-run. The plot, big bad conservatives against child loving liberals, bigots against dreamers and of course as always the appeal to citizen's compassion for the new victims of the big bad heartless conservative America and its border laws.

Get ready for their amnesty push, pout and shout, about the need for immigration reform. Be prepared that the crises will be ramped up as their amnesty talk encourages more parents to hand over their children to the unscrupulous human trafficking network. Be ready for their false arguments, phony excuses, empty promises and complete denial of responsibility for this incredibly cold calculated callousness of standing behind innocent alien children to promote their agenda.

From closing the White House tours to this reckless child migration this President and Party has shown the public their empty agenda souls will exploit anyone, yes even innocent children. Any real leader and compassionate President would be handling this humanitarian crises of children suffering at our borders by both discouraging it through use of the bully pulpit and organizing a task force to return these children to their parents.

How many times has Obama called a press conference to tell parents abroad to stop sending their children? Informing them that their children will be deported quickly? Scolding them that they are sending their children to a possible death, worse case and multiple abuse by traffickers, best case? When has the President of the United States used his international podium to discourage illegal entry?    

Yet unlike legal entry, the children currently being imported to the United States have been abused on their journey to the border, abused by the false promise of freedom once over the border and politically used by the Obama administration to force Congress to vote for amnesty. 

Once upon a time in America a call was sent out around the world for working immigrants between 1851 and 1900 to come to America to become new citizens. America needed workers as our industrial economy was expanding. Many foreign families came but equally many unaccompanied children also arrived at immigration ports like Ellis Island, San Francisco and the New York Barge office in Boston Massachusetts.  

Even then however, we did not just take in all the children and adults who arrived by boat wanting to become American citizens. We discriminated against immigrates from communists countries fearing the importation of political and cultural subversions. We also discriminated against immigrants who were infirm because of age or handicaps. Lastly we also rejected immigrants with incurable contagious and or infectious diseases that would lead to infirmity. 

Why? To ensure three common sense principles of homeland security. One, that we do not allow cultural or political activists into the nation to create subversion to our American Constitution and way of life. Two, to not import into our nation an abundance of people unable to work thereby creating an impoverished nation as opposed to a vibrant one. Three, to protect the health and productivity of American citizens from the importation of contagious diseases that would eventuate in infecting the health and productivity of our growing nation. 

Obama's Democrats cannot make the argument that America needs to import workers so they have calculated this chaos and crises manufactured by their Alinsky's playbook. This administration is dumping children rife with contagious disease and parasites into politically red states which threatens the medical health and the financial health of American citizens, yet again, impeachment is off the GOP table. 
Obama is inundating  America with illegal aliens at a time when jobs are scarce, drug and terror networks around the world are more pernicious, America's welfare rolls at their highest, nearly half of our state governments are teetering at bankruptcy. Our nation's debt continues to be the "lead anchor, baby" to America's future sailing and under Obama's stewardship America's ship of state has become a shipwreck decaying at our economic dry dock.