Sunday, July 13, 2014


The Democrat Party is engaging in an aggressive trafficking of lies, distortions and surreal fact dodging of the reality staring in front of the American people. They apparently believe that low-info voters will close their eyes and not notice the crumbling bricks of the Democrat's tower of babble being felled by the simple force of truthful actuality.

The recent Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision handing a blow to Obamacare along with the heating up of damming evidence of corruption in the IRS  and  Benghazi scandals are alone enough to expect Democrats to run from the White House border. Yet, instead they have doubled down on false prophecies and brazenly defy evidence, to continue to sell illusion.

Harry Reid is calling Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a white man while Nancy Pelosi winded at a press briefing, that five men on the court did a gynecologic exam on American women and denied them the right to use diaphragms. In order to believe Senator Reid and Representative Pelosi you can't just be low-info, you are in worse shape than that, in fact, pinch yourself, are you alive?

Every day the multiple political con games of the Obama administration and his Democrat Party are being exposed. Shamelessly, this does not cause either the President or the Party to admit failing instead they twerk and prance onward through the forest of scandals, singing their lies and lame excuses.

The border crises has the progressives re-scripting  their defensive rants against concerned Americans by using spell-check to find and replace  "racists" to "bigots". Words and phrases like deportation, sovereignty and  illegal aliens, have now been flagged as politically incorrect  and bigoted terminology by the smug morally superior narcissistic leftist.

Their progressive yellow brick road has lead America to conclude that the President is not just a fraudulent wizard pontificating plenty of hot air without a balloon, but that he and his party are missing brains, a heart  and the nerve to be honest about failure.

The mainstream media might still be in the Democrat camp, feverously oiling the tin man while they allow the scarecrow to get away with brainless comments about the Hobby Lobby ruling without challenging her fabricated facts. Nor do they slap down the cowardly lion that hides behind the Senate majority  podium as he continues to slander the reputations of good men without consequences. However, time and truth have an incredibly simple way of pouring cold water on the stains of witchy lies and melting away their spells. 

The land of Donkey behinds of a different color is no longer sprouting rainbows or able to stuff, polish, shine and brush away the corrosive, corrupt and crony policies that have emboldened our enemies and make us vulnerable to worse than just mockery.  

Americans have been in the poppy or poopy fields too long and despite their one upon a time belief, in the wizard of redistribution, job creation, affordable healthcare, defender against terrorism and transparent effective government, they see the little man behind the curtain, teleprompting a misinformation fairy tale.

Even the most gullible lullaby league and lollipop guild munchkin voters are no longer singing "Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la," in support of the President and his Party, who's leadership bell is out of order. They are realizing that the constant knock of hollow excuses that blames the GOP for every domestic and foreign crises caused by their policies, is as cowardly as a lion chasing "Toto".

Democrats lie about their corruption while the GOP burrows its head in the sand, as both parties await another election. Meanwhile the country reels with crises after crises wondering with worry, frustration and growing disdain, that nothing and no one, is defending the citizens against the bureaucratic flying monkeys stomping on their rights. 

They are not just ignoring the failures of their policies and ideology but they are delusional in believing that the public  will continue to view them as the good witch when their reign ends. The signs are visible in  the dismal polls that reflect how their President will go down in history.

Yes Obama, the leader of the Democrat Party, "will be his, will be his, will be history" but they won't glorify his name, instead his legacy will finally reflect the truth; his partisan progressive politics without the "ruby slippers" of media propaganda, shrivels up its socialists legs under the weight of its deceit.

The mayors of Munchkin D.C.  need to start  joining Dorothy-ian  Americans  in a quest to appreciate that there is no place like America, and start respecting her proud Constitution and rule of law.   

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