Wednesday, August 6, 2014


The President has become a political caricature representing all that is empty, vacuous and vapid in the jaded game of campaign fundraising. It would appear that President Obama's sphere of messianic influence has shrunk considerably, while his arrogant partisan doubletalk, has reached new heights of lowbrow barking. 

Since his election in 2008 this Democrat President has been consistently competent and tirelessly wedded to one role above all other duties as leader of the free world ; party politics.

His constant fundraising and campaigning has been one long nightmare for those seeking the leader of the free world to put away the teleprompter and lead. President Obama's political partisanship is so ubiquitous in his administration, that even his supporters realize that he places his Party and ideology well before America's wellbeing.
His cynical promises, out-right lies and arrogant taunting of conservatives, that never let up, before, after, and in the years between elections has finally caused his supporters to cry uncle. His partisan bashing at the teleprompter has been so unrelenting, it has caused sane voters to question whether the President leads the nation or the Democrat Party.

Prior to Obama's presidency Americans believed that once a politician, especially a president, was elected, then campaigning and fundraising would be put aside, for the oval office demanded a leader to make non-partisan decisions to serve all citizens of our nation. Yet instead, this President and his progressive Democrat Party have fused political power and ideology into a new cultism. The agenda for this progressive Party is but one agenda; to sell their ideology tirelessly to the American people until all capitulate to their view. 

However, the ideology of Obama's leftist Party is not just a delusional denial of history, (socialism creates a diminished enslaved society at best) its practical implementation under his pen and phone directive has proven to be not just a failure, but a regression. A surprise to his loyal followers, perhaps, (not for conservatives) that their progressive regulatory crony capitalism has caused a stagnant economy. Obama and the Democrats  continue to call it a recovering economy, but most recognize it as a contracting economy, especially the current  generation of educated but underachieving youth, struggling to claim their financial independence.

The ideology of diplomacy and concessions to our enemies on the world stage, fairs even worse, as America's power and prestige among allies and enemies continues to degrade, leaving a void of deterrence and emboldening sadistic aggressors. Like a toothless lion sitting on the outside of a pride's territory, no longer growling, absent the ability to bite, America's foreign policy under Obama has devolved into a bystander nation that shows disinterest while the world rightfully ignores us.

The poll numbers reflect that finally Democrat voters are waking up and are no longer willing to give the President and his Party a pass, as they once did. They understand that the Party's excuses from blaming Bush, to the market meltdown amid their constant finger pointing at Republicans, does not answer why, the oval office has moved onto the putting green.      
In fact, with Obama's ratings so low the Democrats must find something more than the "War on Women" to rally voters to support their Party in the November elections. Cynically Obama's new campaign strategy is to claim that Republicans are going to try and impeach him for "doing his job." Those in the know realize it is a political tactic straight out of leftist manifesto.
 He is using Alinsky rule for radicals number 10 below; 

  “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog." (Obama has co-opted impeachment talk to become the victim, falsely suggesting that there is no wrongdoing while he dares and taunts Congress to go up against media and public opinion.)

Obama and the Democrats are extorting money from their donors claiming phony victimhood. Amazingly there are fools opening their wallets to the Democrats under this incredibly arrogant administration that mocks our foundational system. Obama now wants to play the poor besieged underdog while he has bashed his political opponents unrelentingly since taking office? Of course, because any good progressive Democrat politician knows about radical rule number 8.

  “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Bash conservatism continually as the reason for all American woes, regardless of facts and truth forcing conservatives to always start a debate from a defensive posture.)

The progressive Democrats have insinuated themselves into the three most powerful places of influence in American culture, our schools, the media and in the public unions that operate our state and federal government. They have been controlling the dialog with a strange elixir of half truths, exaggerated ideology and false humility.    

We have been told that America is in a culture war between liberal ideology and conservatism. However, the problem is that both liberalism and conservatism have been incorrectly defined by the progressives elites causing millions of Americans to line up on the wrong side and millions more to refuse to line up at all. 

From the problems at the border to our local school's curriculum and all the regulatory big government interference in-between, Americans know that the problems are caused by politicians and money, that have failed us.

But we also know that the solutions are not elusive, instead they are already baked in America's apple pie recipe, the Constitution. Our Constitution served us well before progressives infiltrated Washington and stacked the judicial branch with jurists loyal to liberalism transforming this nation into a perverse classist elitism of big government with federal nanny control freaks.

We as citizens have the deed to Washington, we own the capital outright but just like those that have crossed over our border ignoring our laws, Democrats led by Obama defy and taunt us as they ignore their oath of office. November will be another chance for Americans to support their country and Constitution by taking the Senate away from this corrupt and cynically shameless political party. 

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