Monday, September 22, 2014


The liberal cultural revolt and political protest to steer America from its values and constitutional moorings was germinated in the generation of the sixties. With the help of a community organizer (Saul Alinsky) that penned and employed tactics (Rules for Radicals) to undermine the power of the perceived powerful, the progressive party was born.

Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton and the current Democratic Party are the Alinsky radicals. A recent letter by Hillary to Saul Alinsky was unearthed dated on July 8, 1971 in which Hillary writes her mentor for the timetable of his new book. She states "I have just had my one thousandth conversation about REVEILLE and need some new material to throw at people." (REVEILLE FOR RADICALS was Alinsky's first book penned in 1948.) Forty three years later Hillary is still throwing people sophism in order to gain power, but hey "what difference does it make?" (Read full text of letter here
The anti-establishment has come full circle and their victim-hood mantra rings phony up against their hefty portfolios. Like all systemic revolutions either bloody fought or infectiously propagandized the initial revolt's ideological imperative is touted as morally superior and as such; duty rather than heresy grows their movement based on righteousness.That is until your moral high ground falls under your own feet of clay.

The echoes of that past clarion call to lift up the have-nots and give them what the "haves" have, was heard in the Occupy Wall Street protests. Instead of a movement however it revealed a mockery. The age old clash of class warfare for liberals isn't working today for three timeless reasons. 

The first reason for failure is not knowing when to take off the uniform or put another way, to continue to fight after you have won. When a band of over-throwers finally controls the power but continues to prance and preach the underdog message, then their message rings empty, hollow and deceptive. 

The Saul Alinsky liberals (Hillary Clinton and ilk) are in control of our government yet they continue to act as though they are poor disenfranchised outsiders. It is not only a laughable image, it reveals their true heartless intent for power that for years was masked behind their lustful lies of equality. They have become the establishment, they have become the consummate insider, they have become rich off the backs of their so called flock of have-nots.

The second reason for their failure is the constant need to be relevant after success. What becomes endemic to all groups of cause or activists is the need to either deny progress on their goal or to move the goal post to include new causes. From feminism to the NAACP the only way to stay relevant and necessary is to deny the gains made and or redefine their goals far afield from their original formation. In the case of the two groups cited they have done both. The NAACP denies race relations have improved and focuses its energy today as a PAC for Democrats, while the Feminist movement denies its success against chauvinism and now focuses on the "glass ceiling" or the perception that women are barred from the top rungs of power in business.

The problem with these transmutations of activism is that the public is asked to deny the truth bombarding the reality swirling around them and instead digest a fairy tale victimhood devoid of any poison apples except those espoused by well fed preachers. To remain loyal and faithful followers of liberal groups requires a cult-like mindset that eventually sours the loyal to believe in nothing.

Lastly but no less historically significant as to why any agent of change that seeks to infiltrate power and dominate will fail, is the Achilles heel of mankind, or the imperfection of human mortal sin occurring first in the Garden of Eden; playing god. From Lord Acton's famous quote "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." to the Orwellian theme that showcases animals acting as treacherously as their once human masters, the ego is mankind's universal enemy. 

It is the enemy (man's ego) that our forefathers fretted in designing a Constitution that gave too much power vested in both the federal government and the bodies within that government. The balance of power is there to neutralize a president evolving into a king or a Congress propping one up as a figurehead. Federalism was the main branch of power to insure that the federal government would always be subservient to the states and thereby answerable to ultimately; We The People.

Yes, the sixties produced the sit-ins and the bra-burning cultural revolutionaries that claimed to want equality for the masses against the wealthy powerful elites, but like all egocentric malcontents living in the Garden progressives ruined America's Eden for the rest of us. Where have we come since Saul Alinsky and Hillary Clinton's rise to power beyond the glass ceiling? We have become inundated with radical zealots intent to communize our nation into a free fall of historic disintegration like the Roman empire.
Yet, there is hope. There is an awakening and a rebirth in the belief in American Exceptionalism. The Tea Party movement unlike liberal activists want to restore constitutional adherence and they rejects a victim mindset. Humility and Judeo-Christian values  bore us and equally it is the road to restore us.

As the mask of liberal lies falls off the faces of progressive with each passing day they hold power, the country notes that the change liberals wrought is Snowball's farm. Even darker and more enslaving then the drunk farmer's neglect. Yes, the Reveille of radical anti-American progressive liberals is losing loyalists and  if you listen real close, Taps can be heard getting louder and louder each day.

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