Wednesday, April 27, 2016


On December 14, 2010  an American border agent Brian Terry was killed by guns allowed to walk across the border by the ATF's sting operation known as "Fast and Furious" that started in 2009.  Pursuant to a  lawsuit filed by Congress, the court finally burped out a ruling in January 2016, that required the administration to release a portion of documents requested by the oversight committee. 

Now three months after that court ruling and almost 5 years after the scandal first broke, the Department of Justice is releasing some, (not all) of that portion of documents required by the court ruling and demanded by the House and Senate.
Obama used Executive Privilege to shield Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice officers, allowing them to withhold documents for years regarding the gun-running scheme. Congress then sued for the documents claiming that Obama could not use Executive Privilege in order to deny the Terry family or the American people, the right to know the extent of the government's involvement in this deadly so called anti-crime caper.

After a long laborious court battle the square cement wheels of justice, have finally rolled the cart of corruption forward, where it is spilling a little more of its oozing load of backhanded culpability onto the public street. Congress is just now weeding through voluminous notes and e-mails looking for evidence. Meanwhile, most Americans believe justice for the Terry family and countless others, deadly affected by our government's Machiavellian arrogance, will never be served to those that deserve punishment.   

"Justice delayed is justice denied" is a quote by William Gladstone a 19th century British politician, but its razor edged truth has not dulled with time. This Administration has used delay, deflection and subversion as its modus operandi from the very first days in office and will shamelessly have all its henchmen and women safely far away, from viewing vertical iron bars and wearing orange jumpsuits, when it finally folds its occupy the White House tents, for good, next year.

It is one thing to have a deliberate and due process system that protects the rights of citizens from being falsely or unjustly imprisoned, but if our justice system is so slow and imperious to the need for a swift end to the withholding or the destruction of evidence, by our government, then there isn't justice, but rather elitist absolution.

The Obama administration has been turning its back to Congress knowing the chamber is just a room full of rubber cleavers. He is unconcerned that his iniquitous activities would earn them a stab of ethical retribution or legal accountability.
Why have our representatives done nothing to government violators of our laws, while the average citizen experiences swift and heartless legal enforcement? Given the corruption of Holder's justice system they should have passed an independent counsel bill, to sharpen the cleaver blade. 

There is a difference between government scandals that involve innocent citizens being killed or financially ruined, versus government waste. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS targeting, need swift justice not years of stalling. Retribution needs to be swift and harsh to send a strong deterrent message to those people in government who are involved with callous acts against the citizenry. Otherwise animosity between the government and the people ferments a cynical loathing by both, and then government power becomes routinely abusive. 

Waco, Ruby Ridge and now the recent FBI shooting of Lavoy Finicum involved in the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge center in Oregon, make all Americans wonder, "Do citizens matter"? Whether you think the ranchers should have been protesting and trespassing on federal lands, or not, was killing a man necessary? When did vandalism and trespassing rise to a death sentence in America? Why didn't the FBI let this man go turn himself in, to the county sheriff? 

Not all government corruption is equal, just as not all crime, involves sirens and paddy wagons. For instance, police are not called when there is a beating by a sadist married to a masochist. Police are not called when parents are robbed by their drug addicted child. Police are also not called when criminal gangs are warring with criminal gangs.

However, if the sadists lays hands on a unwilling victim, or that addicted child robs the neighbors, or those gangs shoot and kill innocent bystanders on the street, then police are called and the community clamors for justice and accountability.

 "Fast and Furious" did spill out onto the street. It is, the sadist government,  the addict government and the gang government spilling out of their haven and harming innocent citizens in three ways. 

First, we citizens have a masochistic tendency to call for laws on every folly in life, unwittingly causing more pain to a wider group of people. The government sadists love it, because they protect their own, but for the rest of us, more laws, only results in less freedom. Most Americans believe that our justice system has ceased to be blind, and there are sadly those who live, above the law. Today, it seems that only  unconnected citizens suffer consequences under the federal code.

Second, as government is addicted to money and power, we as citizens continue to enable our addicted Congress persons by re-electing them back into office rather than tossing them out. Too many inept and constitutionally ignorant House and Senate representatives hold on to power because we refuse to demand accountability. How can we not, expect that our rights will be altered, ignored or legislated away, when we refuse to stand up to Washington corruption?

Three, government departments are like gangs. When they engage in turf wars with each other we have incidences like 911 or the Boston Marathon bombing, in which all of us, trusting citizens are victims, thought of only as collateral damage by the bureaucracy. There are people dead and missing limbs, because the DHS and the FBI, acted politically correct rather than err on the side of American safety. (The Tsarnaev family should never have been granted asylum by DHS, and the FBI should have deported Tamerlan Tsarnaev.)

Worse, when government agencies join forces in a collective gang to harass citizens, it becomes a conspiratorial cabal as rotten and thuggish as any section of a major city where street gangs set the rules.

When citizens like Catherine Engelbrecht, start a civic minded group called True the Vote, in order to ensure that elections are not filled with fraud, instead of our government celebrating her participation in helping to keep elections clean, they ganged up to shut her down. The IRS, BATF, OSHA, EPA and FBI all investigated Engelbrecht family and their business because they don't like conservative groups exposing government and Party corruption. Countless other Americans have been harassed and financially hurt (Gibson Guitar) by bureaucrats empowered by a lazy Congress. 

Our government has spied on us, lied to us, used unwarranted investigation to intimidate us, forced lawful gun dealers to sell to drug dealers across the border and when these scandals result in the ultimate price of death, we as citizen expect more. Much, much, more than a grandstanding hearing by pompous politicians promising to make law changes to ensure abuses don't repeat. We want all those at the ATF and Justice Department, IRS, Veterans Administration, FBI who abused their power and caused citizen's irreparable harm to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Doesn't law enforce clamor for swift and strong justice in order to deter future crimes? Where is citizen justice for a corrupt government?

Unless citizens demand smaller more accountable government, from both political parties, then tyranny will slowly but imperiously shadow every citizen's doorway, and government edicts will be fast and furiously tyrannical, while guilty government officials remain free to be above the law. Is this the government, that so many brave Americans have died to preserve?  How perverse are American values today, that we are willing to allow government to get away with murder?    

Friday, April 1, 2016


For decades the Democrat Party and billionaire backers like George Soros, have stirred the street with  radical liberal gangs seeking to convince average Americans that their liberal fascists viewpoint was righteous and very popular.

For years the news media gave these small bands of agitators, exaggerated size, grassroots identity and moral legitimacy even though none of those facts represent the true measure of these organized dissenters.

However, as successful the media has been in the past, at falsely portraying the left's manufactured political mob as real although faux, the latest band of overacting players starring in "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) replete with its calculated histrionics, has finally shamed their sham.

The professional protesting puppets of the left have taken their act from a "War on women"  scene to a "War on Wall Street" scene to the obscene scene, a "War on cops". The BLM movement's script loses credibility because it makes choir boys out of thugs, uses wrong to correct wrong, by profiling cops and  conflating the issue of police brutality that makes heroes out of criminals while accepting no accountability, and offering no solutions. How can anyone believe the sincerity of those shouting the slogan "Black lives matter" when forthright Americans spontaneously intone "All lives matter" and are defamed as racists.
 If the BLM protesters really cared about the legitimate concern of police using unwarranted deadly force, then this parody on parade, would not turn against average Americans when they denounce the devaluing of any life. They would use that alliance to bring awareness to the issue and the need for our peace officers to be equipped and trained in non-lethal methods to subdue threatening and belligerent suspects. 

Instead, this canned group, alienates all who won't, chant their militant slogan. Only a counterfeit group with a spurious script and a staged agenda, would rather stir up tension and animosity rather than bring a broader and more inclusive awareness into the public viewpoint.

So given the political left's penchant for cultivated sophism pranced out by media as candid and heartfelt, we can say, the jig is up. The Bastille has been stormed, and the phony-baloney paid sign makers and shakers have walked their last mock, with the in league media covering up their plastic pretense with lies about it being spontaneous activism. 

The veil has dropped and the faux brick wall has cracked, revealing its paper Mache cheapness. Americans are not buying the fakery anymore. Americans are not believing the delusion anymore. Americans have seen the synthetic fabric of liberal whole cloth lies and the left can't mislead them anymore.

Many Americans wonder how these spoiled prodigy of a free nation have the time to dance on the street spitting their contrived rhetoric and lighting flames to our flag of liberty? Most of the hard working Americans worried for their country are spending more and more of their limited time at their job or jobs, without the ability to do any marching, save their commute home.

People are realizing that only the college youth and the EBT card carriers along with their retired flower power sixties parents are able to ride the sanctimonious poster bus from city to city intoning simpering slogans with hollow meanings. The rest of America is busy, tired and fed up with ideologues playing on our emotions.

This is one of the reasons why career politicians are in disfavor this election cycle, and this is also why the media is abhorred. Yes, this is also why the country is seething in resentment against a corporate corrupt government and the globalist godless thieving of our republic by the law-breaking, law-makers in Washington.

In this presidential election the antics of faux protests and misdirected polls that equally includes the played-out return of accusations of adultery by candidates and musty scandals over faux pas responses to gotcha hypothetical questions, Americans' eyes are glazing over. Americans' stomachs are turning over. Americans' patience is, ... well ... just plain over it.

The political bashing of traditional American beliefs and values by faux protesters, faux media, faux reporters, faux polls, faux Supreme court rulings, faux blind equal justice, faux free trade, faux border security and the faux war on terror has the real American street, resentful, seething and wanting.

That real and genuine grassroots angst has been simmering just under the hard crust of the Beltway bubble and unless Washington sets a new tone and direction there is no doubt, there will be, a true, naturally forming and earth shaking, reckoning.