Friday, July 22, 2016


Listening to the panel of commentators on CNN after Trump's GOP convention nomination speech, viewers felt as though they were tuning into the political 'Twilight Zone'. CNN's array of commentators acted as though they were newly arrived aliens from a distant planet trying to understand the strange language of these American conservative creatures, that they encountered at a GOP convention. Or perhaps viewers thought, they were watching CNN's movie review of the horror flick "Lights Out". Because the commentators were desperately trying to pan the stark, new, fresh, and bold speech by Trump, that scared them so deeply, they had to bash the speech, knowing their Queen of shadiness would lose to "the Donald" in November.

 Some of these CNN regulars, the politically liberal panel of pundits, called Donald Trump's speech, a hate speech. Yes, you heard correctly. More than one of these commentators were adamant that Trump's speech was hate-filled and desperate fear mongering. Their reasoning for this was all the doom and gloomy statistics that Trump recited.   

I guess these professional critics missed Trump's opening remarks about talking straightforward with the American people. That his purpose was to compare and contrast the problems and his solutions against Hillary's denial that anything was wrong except to give America more of the same.
Or Trump's point that his campaign was as an outsider and Hillary's campaign is as an insider. Or perhaps they got lost when Trump clearly stated before he delivered the bodice of his speech, that while politicians will lie to the American people, he was going to speak plainly without political correctness, and give Americans the truth, pretty or not. His words;

"It is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation.
I will present the facts plainly and honestly. We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore. So if you want to hear the corporate spin, the carefully crafted lies and the media myths, the Democrats are holding their convention next week. Go there."

My that is scary. No wonder CNN was beating the kettle drums of denouncement. 

Trump delivered on his promise and turned over every rock revealing the truth, that every American knows and lives with every day, in their ignored city streets and walkways of America's crumbling culture. I am certain average Americans were not surprised to learn the truth. The truth which they already know, the truth that all politicians pretend doesn't exist. No, Americans tuning in, were not being shocked by the truth, they were perhaps, shocked and jubilant that finally, someone seeking political office was at long last, speaking the truth. Speaking reality. Speaking plainly. Speaking their everyday thoughts, worries and frustrations, about their country in crises.  

The left called Trump's list of truthful facts about crime statistics, illegal immigration numbers, lost revenue from trade imbalances, the growing chaos threat of terrorists, the high inner city crime, the increased welfare rolls, the job loss, the income loss and soaring healthcare costs, a horrible speech, a debasing, negative hate filled speech. I guess to the leftist media, it is hateful to tell the truth. I guess that is why they are backing the "status quo" lying Hillary Clinton. 

While Americans heard Trump point out the problems in the country that Americans deal with every day, they also heard him lay forth solutions. Common sense solutions and doable fixes that can only be accomplished by pushing against Washington statism. Shaming them to accept the truth and challenging them to pass legislation to address the issues.

From school vouchers to lower regulations and taxes, to a moratorium on refugees and an aggressive push against ISIS, Trump called out the do nothing politicians. From repealing Obamacare to the renegotiation of trade policies, Trump called out the status quo beltway elitists doing only the bidding of corporate lobbyists. From making NATO contribute more for its own protection to cracking down on urban crime and creating jobs for more Americans, Trump called out the puppets of the oligarchy that exist in our current system.  

Trump even promised to lend his efforts to defeat a pulpit silencing tax code, instituted by Lyndon Johnson that has gagged religious voices in this country from speaking out freely, for far, far too long. But then again, that was apparently another hatefully, truthful message from Trump.

Perhaps the CNN commentators were most upset and scared when Trump stated, (I confess I cheered from my couch) that when Hillary was not prosecuted for the treachery and intentional acts of illegal activities of her secret server, he knew Washington was corrupt to its highest point of low. I am paraphrasing Trump, so here are his words;

"And when a secretary of State illegally stores her emails on a private server, deletes 33,000 of them so the authorities can’t see her crime, puts our country at risk, lies about it in every different form and faces no consequence – I know that corruption has reached a level like never ever before in our country."

I think the CNN commentators are nervous and petrified, because we natives of the greatest nation on earth are restless creatures. Restless creatures are sober creatures. Awake and aroused creatures are not going to willing walk aimlessly and ignorantly into their polling pens and pull the status quo lever for either the left or the right. In order to control the voting creature you need them doped up with dopey lies. You need to give them a freebie to buy their temporary calm. You need them ignorantly lapping up government placebos that promise to cure all their woes.

Otherwise, these restless voters will reject the dupery of her highness, of hypocrisy. They need us to believe their narration of lies in order to justify why their princess of subterfuge, should be given the oval office throne. They need Americans to be silence by their studio court jesters and socialists henchmen rather than dare hear the truth, and speak ill, of the Duchess of deceitfulness.

Some of the commentators revealed that they were receiving e-mails from Congress people denouncing Trump's speech as horribly hate-filled. Well, that should surprise no one. Again, Trump called out all those in Washington that have become deaf and corrupt by willfully ignoring the American people. I think we can all guess at whom some the identities belong, to those outraged Congress members that were offended by Trump's statement of their duplicity. Just as I am equally sure that the Empress of evasion, was not pleased by the shouting, fed up delegates, that she should be "locked up."  

No, Trump's speech to any American listening, was not hate filled, but rather refreshing. Not mean-spirited but razor sharp and pointed. Not the same old conventional pablum, but toothy, edgy, hopeful and inspiring. For Americans know in their heart that these are indeed fixable problems, if only someone kicks the lazy self serving leaders off the mooch line and demands they do the job they were hired to do.    

I don't know what planet CNN thought it was on, but here on planet earth, in every town America, we Americans, listened to a speech that spoke as plainly, openly, unafraid and honestly about the state of the country and truthfully exposed all those parasitic politicians in Washington that produced this trickle down corruption that has corroded our neighborhoods.

Moreover, even more importantly, Trump stated candidly, bluntly and sincerely that he would not turn a blind eye but instead, be our voice. The American people's voice in Washington! Now that would be a welcomed change, after being derided almost daily for eight years, by Obama's pompous pulpit of political pulp.
Yes, I think Americans will be grateful to bask in the fresh air of Trump's blunt brassy frankness. Finally, finally, finally, the average citizen might just get a President in the White House, that will lead by following and listening to America's real voices and values.

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