Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Hillary Clinton's lies have been documented, disproven and disclosed by a number of credible sources and yet she continues to deny, scapegoat others and arrogantly double down on her fallacious fabrications. Her sociopathic lying is neither a disease nor a calculated campaign strategy that is reliant on public ignorance to conjure an alternative narrative from what, the public already acknowledges is the truth. So why does she persist in lying?

We often hear people say "all politicians lie" when talking about the multiple promises bleated out by the candidates during the election cycle. These campaign exaggerations and carefully crafted declaratives on the campaign trail, are relatively similar to our daily barrage of commercial advertisement. Some of those advertisement claims are so fanciful in fact, that the marketers end up mocking their own products, aware that the public is aware, that the claims are so overblown, that it would be foolish to take their hyper-promotion, literally.     

The truth can be illusive in a society that no longer sees a vow as binding, and a promise as an inviolate commitment. Breaking trust once was a shamed act of betrayal, that today is explained as a pivot of opinion. Breaking a promise was once a selfish act of disloyalty, that today is explained as the fault of those naive enough to believe in promises. Lying about everything to everyone was once a defaming resume of character, in which the person's reputation as a pathological liar would outcast them from honorable society, while today we tolerate more and more immorality.

Hillary Clinton is a lawyer. Ironically, the legal profession has always been rightfully or wrongfully the butt of jeers and jokes when it comes to veracity. This profession lives in the world between actuality and proven reality, between circumstantial evidence and alternative narratives, between exacting honesty to a question posed and complete silence to the un-inquired truth. Yet, even Hillary's professional colleagues don't understand her continued insistence to lie, when the facts lay on the table in front of her.

What does it say about the state of our society, government and so called watchdog free press when a consummate, unabashed and completely unapologetic liar, continues to advertise herself, for arguably, the highest office in the world? Not all of her supporters are naive, and gullible voters, that have no clue as to her wanton, unlawful and deceitful double-dealings, and yet many continue to support her contaminated campaign. 

This Hillary support regardless of her complete degenerate duplicity that has been exposed and publicized worldwide, reflects the cultural decline in America that conservative have been lamenting for years. In any other time in American history, someone as brazenly corrupt as Hillary Clinton would be booed and booted off the public stage, let alone be required to defend her actions in a criminal courtroom. Yet, here we are in 2016, facing the possibility that this incredibly vitiated vixen might become our nation's leader.

So why does Hillary continue to lie amid the publically known information that is undeniable? Perhaps the better question is; why are Americans allowing her to lie?    

Why,  when her lies have been documented and exposed is she not called out as liar by the press? Why, is she allowed to continually promulgate this perjurious snaked tongue and spew a spat of dishonest drool every time she opens her mouth, with no one in the media calling her a fraud? Why, indeed are the families of the Benghazi victims called to defend their integrity, while Hillary's poisonous protestations that she did not blame a video-maker, be even debated as truth, let alone believed over them? 

Why is Hillary not shamed for her treachery about her many lies regarding her illegal private e-mail server, her noncompliance with national security protocol, her deletion of work related documents that she falsely claimed she returned to the State Department and her insistence that only personal materials were destroyed beyond forensic recovery. Every American heard the FBI  categorically reveal Hillary's outright lies and wholly deceitfully dishonest explanations, that can no longer be denied. Hillary may not have been indicted but it was crystal clear that she broke many laws.

Our nation's moral compass is pointing south and the path America walks is precariously fraught with a short misstep into destroying all the hard fought values we cherish. The history in the making is not about the possibility of electing the first female president but rather will Americans elect the first known criminally pardoned, pathologically crooked and deceitfully devious female president? 

Hillary's campaign will continue to speak fantasy fibs as she tries to garner the support of women to become an oval office role model. Our corrupt corporate media will continue to doctor the polls showing her in the lead or tied with Trump. Our free press is openly anti-conservative and filled with liberal propagandists painting Trump as either a clown or a goon while they crown Hillary as the first queen and put lipstick on her piggish ambitions.

If being a role model only involves being born a female, then perhaps we should take our daughters down to the nearest female prison and ask that they admire the female inmates. After all these women committed crimes of equal human debasement as men, by breaking the criminal code ceiling. Or perhaps we should take them to the nearest red light district in the city and celebrate the oldest profession of female entrepreneurs, prostitution. They certainly blazed an independent trail without male income support. Certainly we should not be teaching our daughters that "the end justifies the means" otherwise feminists would be supporting the casting couch, right? In fact, would we be talking about Hillary's career if not for Bill?

No, Hillary, and no, American women, we are not going to accept a dreadful example of unabashed sinfulness to be included in the history books our grandchildren read, when in the future they study how America's once proud nation fell into deluded destruction. Another time and another woman, but not Hillary. Women should not support this money grubbing lying wife of a womanizing groper, but instead know an honorable woman, a publically respectable woman, will find the oval office chair soon enough in the near future.

Voters must defeat Hillary the corrupt status quo candidate, Hillary the consummate corrupt insider, Hillary the lying, bribe taking epitome of elitist treachery. We must return America to Americans and our honest hard working values, we must stop the unaccountability of D.C., we must be part of "Making America great again."

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