Friday, August 12, 2016


Many in the current GOP think they lead the conservative movement. Many in the GOP think they are the definitive voice of the Party. Many in the GOP are still reeling in frustration that their first, second and third choice to be the nominee for the 2016 presidency lost, and lost with overwhelming rejection by primary voters. Many in the GOP are showing their true loyalty which is disloyalty, and their elitist fraternity to their small globalist viewpoint. These people in Congress and others currently working or retired from federal government positions are unaware that "they" not Trump are unqualified to lead.

What have these Republicans done for the country? What has Susan Collins done to push back against a constantly expanding, unconstitutional, and usurping federal power? What have any of these moderate Republicans done to protect the public from progressive policies and the country's shift toward over regulated socialism?

Instead my naive Senator from Maine believes style points count more than substance and therefore has used three Trump verbal tussles as proof he lacks the temperament to be President. Seriously? Really Senator Collins? Are you kidding us Senator? As Clint Eastwood would say, get "F-ing over it" and stop making a "big deal over dumb things." 

Trump might not be PC but you, Senator, are no conservative. Your politics gave us Obamacare, and your party has ignored its promises to fight against progressive policies destroying our nation's values. We the People are fed up with civil talk and no action, so we will tolerate a little brashness for real truth and real systemic change of Washington ways.

After Trump announced his candidacy, the GOP establishment snickered under their breath but later as Trump pulled votes away, they worried, not that Trump would win, but rather that Trump would be a Ross Perot spoiler. Thus they used the first debate question to hog tie him to a "pledge" not to run a third party platform because they expected him to flame out in the primary. Instead he lit a voter's bonfire revolt.

Rather than Republicans learning through their failure, or even caring why Romney fell short, the GOP marched into the 2016 primary, delusional as usual, that Romney just needed a few more Latino votes. The GOP ignored the two main reasons Romney lost in 2012. One, the election was chock full of fraud and two, millions of conservative voters refused to crown the GOP's Mormon king because he was flip-flopping career politician.

 Once again in the GOP's collective ignorance, they blamed Romney's loss on the lack of a Mexican connection. So the GOP had a new game plan for 2016, woo the Latino vote by backing Jeb Bush and his "act of love" illegal immigration position. If Jeb Bush failed they had Marco Rubio to hoof the Jarabe Tapatio or the Mambo with Kasich in the wings clicking his heels and shouting amnestia, amnestia amnestia. 

Of course, this time, instead of clearing the decks for Jeb Bush, they would stack the GOP stage with so many establishment puppets that voters would be tricked into supporting the status quo candidate. Marco Rubio or John Kasich would carry the GOP establishment's water as well as Jeb Bush. The collective brain trust of the GOP was that Trump would be toast after the first primary state voted. 

Well, Trump won. Once again, given the opportunity for the GOP to learn through failure, what was their new plan? Corrupt stupidity by starting a never Trump campaign, disloyal betrayal to the voters, whining about the election process and now jeopardizing this nation's incomprehensible march toward oligarchy and enslaving socialism by trying to hand this election to Hillary Clinton.

Worse, these GOP cowards, crooks and cons have spit on their own "pledge" to support the primary winner. Have actively sought a third party candidate to steal votes from Trump and some, yes some have had the audacity to publically announce that they will not cast their vote for the GOP nominee. 

Collins along with fifty other traitors have just made many American voters angry as sin, as they pompously decree that Trump is unfit but a law-breaking, bribe taking, Democrat (Hillary Clinton) speaks with more dignity? They have just put a traitor tattoo on their foreheads and a key ring on their lips that unlocks the new hole that they are using to speak. You know, the hole below the back of the neck and above the back of their knees.  

Conservatives already know the GOP is rife with posers. But now our anger at their brazen breach is reaching a higher boiling point. Conservative anger bubbles and steams at that these GOP pretenders who are actively seeking to undermine our 2016 election and sell America's Republic and our values down the progressive's sewer of failed foreign and domestic policies.

The GOP never forced the Obama's administration to fire, and or prosecute anyone in the myriad of unconstitutional and criminal scandals rife in his tenure. They never impeached the President, even though the list of executive offenses were as handy as a "phone and a pen" at their disposal. They never pushed back, when they had the House, but claimed they needed the Senate. When they had both houses, they tell us they need the White House? 

The GOP lacks courage. The GOP has no intention of fighting for patriotic voters who desire to see our borders protected, the economy revived, the regulations lifted, the federal government's power and size shrunk, or and end to their corporate sponsored "pay to play" empty and selfish representation of We the People.

Trump won and yet, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and yes Ted Cruz, plus a list of GOP establishment politicos, all broke their pledges. Now the angry and frustrated voters want a true outsider, Trump, to walk into Washington and proclaim that the "Party is over guys. Start voting with and for the people who sent you to Washington or you won't keep your jobs." 

The GOP elites are more afraid of a Trump presidency than a corrupt Hillary administration, doesn't' that make you, slam the table angry?  
This election isn't about Trump. This election is about the people electing an outsider non-politician to combat and rope a corrupt party (GOP) to counter a traitorous party (DNC) from destroying this nation. Trump is the voter's outsider who beat every single GOP candidate by huge margins because he was not a GOP establishment coward. Now some of these cowards are seeking to scuttle not just Trump but the voter's choice to put America back on track.
If this does not make you livid at the "low spark of high..." horsed Republicans, now publically revealing a previously concealed ploy to crawl into the toilet with Hillary, then, you don't understand how rotten and worm-filled Mom's apple pie has become in Washington. We must fight, GOP traitors, media and the DNC, this November, so get out your forks and pitch in!

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