Friday, October 21, 2016


Finally the last of the spooky theater of so-called political debates is over. Dressed in a pure white pant suit, Clinton tried to presented herself to voters in the color of innocence. Perhaps she thought she could fool a few naive voters, unaware of her wickedness, or perhaps it was just her costume for Halloween? Maybe she wore white because it is a color that repels flies, but her purity color didn't hide the salt in her blood. Hillary was rehearsed, robotic and not credible with her continuing lies and empty policy.

Trump was relaxed but ready to rumble, and did a decent job of holding his tongue at times against "a nasty woman" who bash him on every question, she needed to avoid. Trump was able to speak more plainly and truthfully in the shorter time he was given by Fox News moderator Chris Wallace. Wallace did little moderating of Hillary, he let her pander and blather.

At times I forgot what the question was, when Hillary droned on and on in clear obfuscation of her record of deceit and failure to point to any success in her long history of public life. Wallace allowed her to duck, dodge and control the time.

However, the most significant media bias that Wallace showed was in asking Trump the question about accepting the results of the election, knowing that fraud has been baked into the coverage. The question showed an eerie resemblance to when Fox News Bret Baier, moderator in the GOP primary, asked Trump if he would back the GOP nominee, if (when) Trump loses the primary. 

Hello Bret, it was Republicans on that stage that lost and refused to back Trump. Hello Chris Wallace, it was Democrats that took their protest to the Supreme Court only 3 elections ago in 2000.  Seems Fox news is so interested in rigging the podium for Hillary, it has forgotten Al Gore and the Democrats history of not accepting defeat? Trump should have answered Hillary's "outrage" comment with baked Florida Chad anyone? 

However, Hillary was not adept at evading the hard questions posed to her. When she was asked about the Wikileaks e-mail that revealed her open border speech, she claimed it was really about "open border energy". What? Is she serious? Free electricity around the world, Hillary? Does she think we crawled out of a walkway paver? 

Hillary didn't stop there, she went on a question avoidance rant, by creating a boogie-man scare, by speculating that Putin and the Russians are rigging the election in favor of Trump. Not only is that dumb, but it was not the most subtle pivot. Just how gullible does Clinton think Americans have become, under our failing progressive public education system? Hillary, when did truth from your tongue get banned within a 200 mile radius around your life? Clinton's excuses were incredibly insulting to everyone's intelligence. What is scary, is her open border, globalizing of America.

WALLACE: Secretary Clinton, I want to clear up your position on this issue, because in a speech you gave to a Brazilian bank, for which you were paid $225,000, we’ve learned from the WikiLeaks, that you said this, and I want to quote. “My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders.” So that’s the question...

CLINTON: Well, if you went on to read the rest of the sentence, I was talking about energy. You know, we trade more energy with our neighbors than we trade with the rest of the world combined. And I do want us to have an electric grid, an energy system that crosses borders. I think that would be a great benefit to us.
But you are very clearly quoting from WikiLeaks. And what’s really important about WikiLeaks is that the Russian government has engaged in espionage against Americans. They have hacked American websites, American accounts of private people, of institutions. Then they have given that information to WikiLeaks for the purpose of putting it on the Internet.
This has come from the highest levels of the Russian government, clearly, from Putin himself, in an effort, as 17 of our intelligence agencies have confirmed, to influence our election.

CLINTON: So I actually think the most important question of this evening, Chris, is, finally, will Donald Trump admit and condemn that the Russians are doing this and make it clear that he will not have the help of Putin in in this election, that he rejects Russian espionage against Americans, which he actually encouraged in the past? Those are the questions we need answered. We’ve never had anything like this happen in any of our elections before.

Wallace did not call her on avoiding the question, but Trump did. Wallace let her continue skating around her political rink of slick slime, and avoid tough questions, all debate long. The debate allowed Hillary to about what she want to talk about, while Trump was forced  to give loyalty pledges and defend against her attacks.

Trump was right to not answer the pledge question at the primary debate and was also correct to not answer the question regarding accepting the race's outcome, even if fraud turns up bigger than it did in 2012. 

We know Democrats commit voter fraud. We know the media is trying to pump up Clinton and disparage Trump, to influence voters. We know the IRS continues to target conservatives. We know both the DOJ and the FBI is lead by corruption. We know the Obama administration has used every department of government to push for the interests of the DNC. We know Hillary should be in jail rather than running for the highest office in the land. So yes, fraud is all over this election, but this election isn't over.

In fact, the only thing good that came out of the debate was the airing of public awareness that Hillary, the administration and the media have all joined the Democrats in a gang, mob and mouthy thuggery of intimidation by name calling good Americans, to try and defeat the will, of millions of citizens.

Americans can tell the pollsters nothing. They can tell the pollsters that they are politically correct supporters of Hillary (with their fingers crossed) in order to keep face but secretly support Trump. They can say they dislike both candidates. Yet, when the first Tuesday of November arises, that ballot in front of us all, is secret. Will you support someone who should be in jail and aims to dismantle more American freedoms, or will you restore order against progressive chaos?

Americans can negate the media fraud, voter fraud, administration fraud, government fraud, but only if we go in large numbers to the polls and vote for Trump. We must address the demons corrupting our nation. There is only one thing not debatable, We The People, are in charge of our destiny. God help us, to choose righteously.  

Saturday, October 8, 2016


Donald Trump was caught in embarrassment, by the release of a recording of a private conversation in which he said tasteless and blustering things about his sexual prowess to another man, over a decade ago. The media is abuzz and politicians on both sides of the aisle are acting holier than thou, in exclaiming that it is the scandal to top all scandals, but once again, the hypocrisy is greater than the hype.

As a woman, I don't condone the salacious comments that Trump made, but equally I am neither surprised or shocked by the discloser of the locker room banter. Men are consumed with two things after reaching puberty and lasting until they die, sex and sexual bravado. Bragging about their sexual exploits (real or imagined) is a common sport among heterosexual men. Perhaps not all men contribute to that conversation, but you would be hard pressed to find a man that did not listen to it, at the water cooler, or locker room. 

Is it offensive, childish, disrespectful and objectifying? Yes. Is it a reason to hate, fire or ruin a man's career over? Absolutely not. In fact, too many men that find that kind of banter inappropriate fail to speak up, so should they too, have their careers ruined? No.

Indeed, many men must endure the exploitive talk of other men about their manly abilities, and nod their heads in order to be included in the masculine club. Telling another man that their conversation denigrates women and is inappropriate, would be admitting as a man that you are weak, whipped, and a mama's boy. The razzing you would take, for standing up against that talk is worse, than silently listening. Most men simply find an excuse to walk away and escape the tawdry dialog.

Meanwhile, playing second fiddle to this scandal is the news item that newly disclosed e-mails reveal Hillary's private agenda, and what most already suspected, it revealed that she is a raging elitist's communist that cares nothing for average Americans. She has a public persona and a private soulless agenda that includes open borders and globalists savagery of our Constitutional Republic. Trump doesn't speak with class and Hillary could care less about the Middle Class, but which will affect your future and your children's future more? The media thinks voter will stupidly chose lying crooked Hillary, over tactless Trump.

One, would think, that this unequivocal revelation would be front page news. One, would think, that this political agenda of hers, is far more important for voters to weigh in light of her bid for the presidency, because it would allow her to enact that devastating agenda. One, would think, that every Congressperson on the Republican aisle would be chastising Trump's words as offensive, but then stating that what Hillary proposes for the nation would be a systematic, offensive aggression, against America's Republic and that, that is by far, the greater immorality.

It is amusing to hear the left excoriate Trump over his tasteless comments while they defended Bill Clinton's actual sexual adultery, harassment and predation as a "private" matter. They venerate John F. Kennedy who also slept around on Jackie while in office, but Trump's tacky talk is offensive? They have a long list of Carlos and John's living dangerously, yet they want us to think they are outraged? The left wants no sexual morality rules as they attack marriage, disrupt public restrooms and want to throw away the status of gender based on birth, and DNA, to instead, be based solely on someone's claim of identity, yet we are suppose to believe they are horribly offended by Trump being a ill-bred male braggart?  

The real truth here is this; neither candidate will win sainthood and when it comes to casting the first stone, for no one in America is scandal free, because we are all sinners. But when it comes to casting a ballot, we are not judging the personal moral conduct of a candidate but rather their leadership and agenda. Hillary unlike Trump is lying to the voter everyday and in all her commercials when she claims to be working for the middle class interests. Her policies will savage our economy and flood the country with more and more impoverished legal and illegal immigrants, while at the same time, we lose more and more jobs overseas. Her administration will be Obama's 3rd term or status quo, put on steroids. 

The notion that this vulgar audio of Trump should persuade conservative voters to throw away the vital interests of their country in order to prove they are not, like the left, morally bankrupt, is folly. Words are not as strong as sticks and stones and Hillary's house is full of glass, smoke and mirrors.

Regardless of how you view the crudeness and crookedness of both of these flawed souls running for office, their agendas for the country are vastly disparate. This election isn't about who has bad taste, it is about who has bad policy.

Now, is not the time to get in motion to the other side of the aisle, based on a raffish private conversation. It is time to meet America's future, either you want more progressive economic malaise and social chaos or you want conservative economic restoration and social redemption. That's the only talk that should make you cast, the first stone cold, sober ballot, that will savage or save your country.