Friday, March 23, 2018


Sorry, but Americans did not vote to "MASA" meaning make America swamp again.

So let me make this short,simple and easily readable, there is nothing positive, or democratic, about the passage and signing, of a 1.3 trillion dollar budget for 6 months.

It is a betrayal of trust by everyone in Congress, that well knows America's views on the size of our national debt, and the tactic of ramming a huge budget without our representatives knowing its contents. Most of all, the backroom secret dealing between 4 congress people makes a mockery of We the People governance.

Donald Trump may not have been responsible for the creation of this debt busting monstrosity, but by signing it, he has betrayed the voter. The voice of the forgotten American, he said he would be, once in Washington, just got laryngitis in its first big test of a shut down, shout down, showdown.

I support our military, but they have been wasting and mismanaging money for many decades, surely they could wait for a better bill. Moreover, Paul Ryan needed to be pressured by Trump to write a clean military spending bill without any other federal funding, much earlier in his administration. 

The swamp just slapped the voters in the face and challenged us to a duel. How far away from another revolution are we? Put it this way, we are much closer to a devolution of country and its constitutional values than ever before in our history. 

The 2 party system in Washington is a one party swamp of greed, criminality and arrogant elitist idiots. We need to force feed them cake until they run home and squat on their commode and think about the s%#t load of betrayal they have wrought on an iconic nation.  

We have no one to trust, and we have ourselves to blame, if every representative that voted yes to the Omnibus bill, is not kicked to the D.C. curb in their upcoming re-elections.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." (Mark Twain) 

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