Sunday, June 14, 2020


Once again Democrats are staging theater of useful idiots to capture the news and shock Americans into thinking that America is a racist’s country, with “systemic” prejudice that kills black people for sport.
Hold on, doesn’t the Democrat party call conservatives “science deniers” when they object to global warming, climate change or whatever the new term is, that claims the earth is warming to destruction?
 Then wouldn’t Democrats be the first to accept that the statistics regarding police killings, done by a liberal Harvard professor Roland J. Fryer Jr in a 2016 paper be believed?  

 Mr. Fryer, who is black, told The New York Times that the finding of no racial discrimination in police shootings was “the most surprising result of my career.”
 There is no argument by any American that excessive force, deadly force by police when unnecessary must be stopped by whatever good ideas spring forth to curtail bad policing. It isn’t just blacks that have had encounters with police officers that exercise a “god” complex and treat citizens as though we are all thugs. These bad cops need to be weeded out of the ranks, however perhaps police and police unions seem not to be able to accomplish this necessary function. So rather than asking to de-fund police, activists should be working for an independent boards to take bad cops off the street before they destroy any lives.

There is no such thing as systemic racism in America, in fact there is a better argument to be made that groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are guilty of profiling people based on political views, religious beliefs and being part of a military or police force.
If leftists claim profiling of blacks is prejudicial, than why is it okay for the left to use the Floyd murder by Chauvin, an excuse to declare all police officers as racist’s killers and aggressive thugs on our streets, that need to be disbanded?

Why do people in Black Lives Matter gang jump people that disagree with their phony slogans? How do violent protests, destroying property and looting help to reduce the so-called “systemic racism” that leftist claim exists? Why do Marxist anarchists groups using gang force to intimidate citizens, destroy their neighborhoods, call for de-funding police, extort money from Hollywood and corporations then be  labeled as peaceful protesters, by a complicit media and the Democrat party?

What we are witnessing is an ultra-leftists insurrection secretly used by the Democrat party since Occupy Wall Street. The use of Astroturf protesting for political manipulation of Americans in order to create cultural change is heating up as Democrats know that their political aspirations are declining.

There are however, a few problems with the Democrat plans to hijack the 2020 election using ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter pawns.

One of Democrats plans is for Trump to exceed his power and end up in a police war with protesters with more dead people for Democrats to exploit, as they slogan for Biden and Congressional elections. If they can make Trump look like a rogue dictator killing so-called innocent young protesters, than perhaps the electorate will turn on him.

The problem is that so far Trump has been disciplined and is not falling into the Democrat trap. The only people looking anti-American, callous and brutally indifferent, are the Democrat politicians who are supporting the destruction of the inner city neighborhoods that need revitalization not sloganeering.

Another part of the Democrat plan is to incite the Trump supporters that have been locked up in their homes by Democrat COVID-19 scare edicts, to emerge combative and armed as the rioting and destruction moves beyond the city limits and into residential neighborhoods. The Democrats would love to see street fights between their Marxists indoctrinated fools and the media’s lies about Trump supporters all being  KKK “deplorable” white nationalists in order to keep their fake media narrative going before the election.

Clashes between the Marxists and the law abiding citizenry have yet to occur because law abiding citizens don’t riot, loot, vandalize or go looking for a fight, but rather protect their property with legally armed muscle if provoked. 

The trifecta part of their plan is to economically ruin Trump’s recovery. Democrats well know that people vote their pocketbooks in elections. When the jobs and the economy are good, regardless of other issues, people tend to stick with an administration that is favorable for their wallet. 

Therefore, having arson, vandalizing and looting in major U.S. cities, Democrats plan to pressure Trump to spend more money on liberal run cities. Democrats in those cities will use those federal monies to campaign for Democrats. If Trump refuses to help re-build inner cities, then Democrats can slogan against Trump as being callous and racists against minorities, and do what Democrats do best, pander for black votes, as they have done for decades.

This also will be a problem for Democrats because Americans know these (Blue) cities have been insolvent for years, crumbling and neglected for generations, by corrupt Democrat Governors, Mayors, city councils, federal state Representatives and senators. These cities are ripe with corruption, political bribery and sinister sloganeering meant to keep the poor, staying poor and indebted to them via the welfare check in their mail box. Bailing out these cities would only mean giving monies directly to the corrupt DNC and change nothing for the impoverished voters living in Democrat run dystopia.
Equally, black Americans are finally awakening to the Democrats urban plantation scheme run on them for generations by the Democrat party, where Democrats pander for votes but do nothing to improve their lives in the city or elsewhere.

 No, the only changes that will bring the inner city poor a way up and out of financial struggle, will be better jobs, entrepreneurship, school vouchers, getting off welfare in phases, trade schools, cleaning up gangs on the streets, return of two parent families, and community police that turn city blocks into safe friendly neighborhoods.

Indeed, Democrats on the left despise the types of changes necessary for the inner city minorities to flourish. The Democrats are against school vouchers because they are appeasing teachers unions. Democrats kill entrepreneurship with required licenses, costly regulations and high taxes. The Democrats have always been against welfare reform, because they like the poor to be extorted for the vote. Progressive Democrats hate God and family values understanding that those rock bed foundations of Christian values clash with their abortion on demand immoral atheism. Democrats don’t want upward mobile blacks graduating trade school with a plumber’s license because they would move out of the urban plantation. If they give them scholarships to attend liberal colleges they indoctrinate more communist and socialist agitators for their selfish power dreams.

Indeed, name any positive change in the opportunities for blacks to rise out of poverty, have safe neighborhoods with less crime and drug addiction and Democrats will be against these sane, practical, fair and self promoting opportunities. Instead Democrats want to hand a small fish out to the inner city poor every four years as they beg for votes, rather than to hand them a rod and real and teach them how to fish for themselves. They understand that if less people rely on government assistance, then less people want government interference. That means a more conservative and less liberal political viewpoint, or less Democrat votes.

ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are not groups seeking change, because if they were, they would start asking all people including conservatives to propose solutions, but they are not. They are beholding to the Marxist progressive Democrats (plantation owners) that raised them to be rabble rousers so the Socialists Democrats can gain power and hold that power to make every American a slave to a welfare socialist state. 

When Democrats call Trump a dictator, it is because they are dreaming of the day when socialism destroys American capitalism and Democrats then rule the world.

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