Sunday, July 5, 2020


The absolute insanity of Democrat officials handing over a city precinct to anarchists in Seattle isn’t going well for these Alinsky agitators, as two people are dead and others are suing the city. Equally insane, is the decision by the Minneapolis city council to abolish the police department and replace it with a philosophical feel good new creation yet to be determined, sounds like a failure before it becomes a crisis. 

Oh and it will become a chaotic mess before it too will fail, like Seattle’s Chaz, or Chop dystopia. And with a billion dollars coming out of the New York police budget, the biggest city in America is about to become a crime capital under the leadership of a dopey radical mayor.

Meanwhile in other liberal cities, the Black Lives Matter Marxists mob continues to re-invent peaceful protesting as they tear down statues, intimidate businesses and bum rush reporters. Their bullying tactics have done little to attract average Americans as followers, indeed it seems only phony politicians and the duplicitous globalist corporations seem eager to jump on their bandwagon of deceit.

I think Americans are beginning to understand that the Covid virus is being used by Democrat politicians to mute and control what would otherwise be retaliation by the people over the destruction of public monuments and the defacing of tourists destinations. Basement dwelling radical agitators are getting away with this criminal behavior because Democrat Governors and Mayors are not just permitting the mayhem, they invented this riot game. Concurrently they are actively suppressing the normalcy of commerce by unconstitutional edict, under the guise of public health safety. Sadly and typically the GOP is doing absolutely nothing to seize the moment and condemn the Democrats scamming.

Americans know what’s going on, but feel powerless to invoke a solution that would not end up a bloody, intolerable mess that would play right into the hands of agitators. Democrats would love another Kent State episode to bloody the hands of Trump prior to the election. Indeed, the Seattle autonomous zone was designed to trigger Trump to send in the troops. When Seattle didn’t cause Trump to overreact the Democrats directed their militia to head to Lafayette Park in D.C., to try again to goad Trump into using excessive force.  
Yet to date, it has all failed. It has all failed miserably. So miserably in fact, that their shams and cons have left Trump more loved and trusted by his supporters than ever. Democrats have exposed their power lusting treachery, selfish insurrection and radical anti-American hatred for the country.  

Democrats have unleashed all their forces and controls from media, impeachment Hollywood, colleges, globalists, never-Trump neo-cons, phony polls, paid agitators and corporate donors seeking a return to low cost labor by open borders and globalist policies. There new sloganeering is that America is a “systemically racist” country, but average citizens know by antidote and reality that this is complete hogwash.  

What have the Democrats accomplished? Well clearly their Alinsky tactics have angered Americans. Clearly their riots have destroyed police moral. Clearly, their Covid policies are devastating the economy and confusing the public as to whether to believe the so-called experts over the non-government doctors regarding the pandemic. Clearly the Democrats have raised multi-millions of dollars from corporations and clearly they have given Biden a huge political rock to push forward when debating Trump in the fall. 

But what about their main objectives, energizing the Democrat voters, and keeping the minority vote loyal and angry at Trump? Or making Americans want to turn away from our Constitution and “re-imagine” a new socialist’s America? Or killing the economy and blaming Trump? Or making citizens angrier at each other than the true villains about to be exposed by the Durham investigations?  

Fail, fail, fail and oh yes, failed again. Americans may be trapped between the virus and the normal marketplace, standing as they are on the sidelines unable to react or express their emotions, but what they are witnessing with quiet rage are the “Social Justice Warriors” running amok. What they are watching with eyes wide open is a mob created by the divisive politics of the Democrats designed to destroy America’s culture, especially our foundation in the rule of law. 

What the American people understand with even more clarity than ever before is that the racists, the fascists, the atheists, the Marxists socialists, and the anarchists are the Democrat party. This power lusting party is not just trying to destroy our country’s culture but they are unwittingly destroying their own party.

Yes Democrats have pushed their agenda a bridge too far for reasonable Democrat voters to embrace their radicalism, and remain party loyal. If wearing the MAGA hat in public invites bullying and threats, than staying loyal and supportive of the Democrat brown shirt Marxism might be even tougher for the JFK voters in the years that come.

The Beltway corruption has infected the electorate on a grand scale and once again the public is restless for change. All eyes are on the Washington Capital that has fomented this anger either by orchestrating it (Democrats), or burying their heads in the sand (GOP) and voters are livid. The state and federal elected politicians have not stood up for their values making Washington’s corruption even more urgent to be exposed, reformed and replaced. 

The cancel culture has accomplished what most unpopular and unruly chaos produces, a stronger more defiant and more determined populace to save the nation’s foundation. For out of the violent ashes of Democrat anti-Americanism the Phoenix will rise again in the form of the American eagle where renewed patriotism will replace this anarchist self-serving youth of destruction.
Yes Trump will win in 2020, but who will pick up his populist gauntlet tomorrow? It may be too far away to predict, but whoever does decide to seek the White House beyond Trump should realize that less voters are fooled by empty platitudes and pandemic terror.

The Democrats have shown Americans how the Beltway wizards behind the curtain, control the narrative, and if another revolution must come in the future most will be ready. Populism is not ebbing but growing in America and it should make all corrupt politicians nervous in the future.

All politicians need to be resolute, unwavering, decisive, self-assured, non-elitists and steadfastly true to the American working class, and the Judeo-Christian culture. Don’t run for high office unless you are a stalwart defender of our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, because the voters will smell your duplicity, much stronger than our deplorable Wal-Mart pungency.

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