Thursday, January 27, 2022




The recent poll numbers of Biden’s presidency is only one indicator of how badly the citizens feel about America’s fall from grace by the hands of Democrat’s deep state, the others are Democrat policies.

“Let’s go Brandon” could just as easily be applied to all the Democrats and their bureaucrats in Washington that have been tone deaf to the cynical anger of taxpayers walking about our crime infested streets. For years Democrats did well pandering to special interests groups with identity politics shams to voters, but once the radical progressive wing of the party started skateboarding thru its constituency and bumping into their front lawns and fences without apology, this elitist tone deaf party, has face planted, big time.

There isn’t any part of the country that hasn’t experienced the downright dysphoria created by Democrat policies, yet the party’s new Democrat radical progressive Marxist base clamors for more social idiocy and inequity rules against its fellow citizens.

The GOP is giddy that it hasn’t raised a weapon but seems to have won major battles against its Democrat rivals. Rivals that own the media, the House and have a close minority in the Senate have managed to do what one would never have thought possible; they are destroying their party’s own narrative.

Are they the party of the poor? Well, the poor people that are mugged robbed and assaulted in their neighborhoods more than ever before under “Defund the Police” policies don’t think they are cared about by the Democrats.

Are they the party of women’s rights? Well the girls competing in sports alongside transgender girls certainly don’t think their rights are being honored by Democrats.

Are they the party of the working class? Well between the high gas prices and inflation that was caused by the Green energy Meanies, the working class is experiencing a steep decline in their financial situation and rightfully blames Democrats and their reckless policy.

Are they the party of minorities? The border chaos has made the legal immigrants of this country feel jilted, since they waited patiently in line to enter and now must compete for jobs taken by illegal aliens for lower and lower wages. And yes, it would rub anyone the wrong way, to see someone walk by the line and pass the thru the gate, while you waited to be allowed into the country. So no, the Hispanic community is not celebrating open borders by Democrats.

Are they the party of youth? Well let’s not forget that “Let’s go Brandon” (and its crasser version) was started by college football attendees. The Covid lock-downs and the jab mandates all relate the same simple reason youth rebukes authority, and that is the freedom to live as they want. Lock-downs seem no different to youth than grounding by a parent and they have expressed their displeasure of being treated like a child with a typical incensed response.

Are they the party of the aged? Well social security card holders better hold on to their wheelchair wheels because the Democrats have exposed them needlessly to Covid, ventilators and death by withholding therapeutic drugs, allowing Covid positive patients to mingle in their nursing homes and depriving them of seeing their love ones before they move on from this life. Indeed, the dispassionate way our aged population was treated by Democrat Governors in many states is appalling and downright disgusting.

Are they the party of small business? Well, given the jab or job mandate, the mask mandate, the shuttering of businesses because of Covid and the addition of higher taxes and regulations and policies that seem to change daily, most small businesses have either shuttered to never return or have seen their profits dwindle to half of what they were earning under Trump. Democrats can try and blame the virus, but the virus was not the entity sending their employees home for ten days just because of contact tracing even when it turned out no one got sick. Small business can’t operate without employees and shutting their doors for days is a death sentence in a competitive marketplace.

Are they the party of the Corporations? Ah well this is where it gets blurry. For Corporations that donate heavily to their campaign kitties and follow their woke marching orders, perhaps they perceive themselves as being immune from a party that would otherwise send in their protest bullies to savage their corporate interests. Much like the extortion rackets undertaken by the mob, where protection money bought you expensive security from the same people intending to hurt you if you didn’t pay up. Sorry corporate America but no one feels empathy for you since that you have caved to America’s Marxist’s party. If you are an oil company or a coal operation, even money won’t get you freedom from the savage ravage of the Democrat attack dogs.

Are they the party of the environment? Again, even though there are some brain frozen Democrats who believe that electric cars will solve all the Climate Change carbon footprint problems that in their fantasies is destroying the life of planet earth, they must think again. (Or perhaps for the first time.)  Electric cars as well as all the cell phones and tech equipment so loved by this generation of carbon hating Luddites need to understand that they run on batteries and to make modern batteries you need lithium and cobalt. The mining and processing of these minerals as well as their disposal pollutes drinking water, land and uses so much water to process that both animals and humans are robbed of fresh drinking water if they live near a lithium mining operation. Let alone the fact that China is the premier mining operation kingpin throughout the world and their record of environmental consideration is dubious at best and mostly non-existent. So once again America will be importing our batteries from known polluters and on our knees begging when there are shortages to run our cars and gadgets. Therefore trading one polluting energy source, for another perhaps worse polluting energy, is not only phony environmentalism; it is shifting away from local solutions to global mayhem.

Are they the party of the elitists? Yes, this is the party of those that want their idealistic dreams to come true, regardless of whom they hurt and whether or not the practical implications of their actions lead to inevitable horrific outcomes for the common people of the world. Democrats want a socialism that will work, (it won’t) even though they will refuse to live by the rules it will set for the people (the little people not in charge) you know, us basket of deplorables around the world. Democrats want to remake our culture, alter our republic and systemically change our society in their image and then play god with the power they will possess. It a narrative of greed and power played out since the beginning of time when leaders decide that they want to hold power forever rather than relinquish it for the good of humanity.

Well, currently We the People still have the power to vote, we still have the power to disavow the Democrat Marxist party and send them back into the shadows. The watershed 2022 election has to be a tsunami but it must equally be followed up with many more sweeping waves beyond the first swell, until the crashing surf surges the progressive Marxist socialist American hating left, into sand on the beach that is pulled out to sea to sleep with the fishes.

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