Wednesday, February 16, 2022



Why isn’t the news that the Durham investigation just released a boom of an indictment that exposes the deep state inside spying by Hillary Clinton and her legal lackeys that undermined the necessary privacy of a sitting president and compromised our national security?

Why is this story not making the headlines of every US paper and media outlet as the top and only story that should anger, shock and cause people to demand justice?

Durham has just told the world that Hillary hired lawyers who hired techs to spy on not just candidate Trump but a sitting president for months. This isn’t Watergate, it is criminal treason, especially knowing as we do that China, Russia and other enemies use cyber warfare against our nation. Hillary used our intelligence agencies to spy on Trump before and after his election to the White House and no one on Obama’s watch in our government stopped her. Therefore they are either incompetent as a beakless woodpeckers or they are corrupt and in collusion with her and her minions. Most know it to be more the latter, or at least hope so for our national security’s sake, otherwise we are kept safe by idiots.

While Hillary’s goons were spying on the IP addresses of DNS servers used by Trump (could be any President or candidate) where was the DNI (Department of National intelligence) when her operatives were leaking fake narratives to them and the media? How could they not know that private contractors were involved with these servers, and what monitoring and protocols were or were not in place, to catch criminal interlopers undermining national security?

Given the data breach by China of the OPM (Office of Personnel Management) and the many other breaches by hackers by foreign governments, how could the intelligence agencies be as cavalier and unknowing as to the Clinton spying? Hillary put the whole nation’s security at risk to win an election and when she lost she continued to try and take down a sitting president, out of hubris and a need to cover her tracks. Unless, they knew, and allowed it because they are just so anti-Trump it has consumed their oaths, their morality and their souls. It certainly appears our intelligence agencies are either dopes or doped up on Marxists blue pills.

Worse the media has exposed itself as a left wing arm of the Democrat party that doesn’t report news to the people to protect us from tyranny but in fact they are part of the big government posse of despots.

The Mueller investigation was intended to both smear Trump some more, as well as cover Hillary’s criminal tracks in the swamp muck. We are lucky it didn’t work. Even though our corrupt government tried hard to find any Trump’s crimes and destroyed the lives of many people working in Trump’s administration. After Mueller failed to create impeachable offenses the Democrats blew the dog whistle for “Karens” (snitches) in the State Department to scandalize Trump while the lying “Schiff-less” goons in Congress carried Hillary’s water to drown Trump’s office in Russian collusion foul sluice.

So the question becomes simple: either you believe our intelligence agencies are working against the American people and dishonoring their oaths and are the true insurrectionists or our intelligence agencies are a dangerously incompetent lot that failed to protect our nation and a sitting president from having his administration spied upon, and investigated endlessly for the sole purpose to run him out of office.

 Irrespective of which you choose to believe, the intelligence departments as in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA all need to be rebuilt from the ground up, after rooting out all in charge of national security being jeopardized by political loyalty instead of constitutional duty.  

Can you say treason? Can you say sedition? Can you say insurrection? Can you say it Nancy Pelosi?

Everything the Democrats accuse the GOP of doing, they have done or are in the process of doing. Take spying, the Democrats accused the GOP of hacking into their computers, then they switched to the idea that the Russians did it, with the inference that Trump was tangibly involved. The truth, well that will be buried because the DNC refused to allow their computers to be forensically analyzed because they knew it would expose the Russian hack narrative as false, because most suspect the leaks were an inside job.

The Democrats accuse the GOP of rigging elections and suppressing the vote of minorities, when we all know that Democrats have a long history of vote tampering that cancels out the vote of eligible voters by allowing ineligible voters to vote. Such as, Illegal aliens motor voter, criminals, mass mailings, vote harvesting to name a few.  

Democrats accuse the GOP of having praetorian guards at the DOJ as in Barr working for Trump rather than as an independent Attorney General. First, Attorney Generals are cabinet officials not independently voted office holders, and speaking of Holders, this AG was the most loyal partisan working by his own admission for Obama and not the country’s interest. Now we have Merrick Garland that is taking his marching orders directly from the teacher’s union to go after parents against Critical Race Theory being taught in their schools. Need we continue to show how the Alinsky Democrats accuse others of their own misdeeds in order to deflect blame?

Well here is the last big hypocrisy where Democrats accuse conservative of their own wrongdoing. The so-called insurrection of Jan 6th is another example of lies. This was a protest by good intention minded people to stop what clearly was a problematic election. People are still angry that the voting was suspended in certain states overnight when Trump was far in the lead, only to wake up and find Biden ahead and being dubbed the winner.

The fact that the protestors trespassed into the Capital building was wrong and ill-advised doesn’t rise to insurrection. The true insurrection was being carried out for years by a Deep State that was raised by Obama to become a political weapon against presidential candidates, Presidents and American citizens. Because the political power used by the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS to go after Trump, to win an election, impeach the President, remove the will of the people and plant a president in office (Biden) has already been partially successful. They needed a microscopic friend to be successful to planting their stooge (Biden) in office, namely Covid-19.  

The Patriot Act has been weaponized and the lackeys within these intelligence agencies willfully allowed these coup attacks on our co-equal branches of government become dominated by internal political minders who used illicit scandal data to extort their complicit shoulder shrugging.

We have always known that Congress has been corrupted by corporate and wealthy donor monies but now we know that they are subservient to the dark powers that actually run our government, the intelligence state. (Deep State)

They didn’t have to just resort to lying on a warrant request to fool the FISA Court, these political thugs used the five eyes sharing of intelligence and the media to launder their informational booty back to their own corrupt departments to make it appears as though the information organically appeared on their desks ready to investigate. It is diabolically evil and the queen of that kind of shrewd emanates from the queen shrew herself, Hillary Clinton. However, she could not have pulled it off without Obama and Biden being in the loop, as Susan Rice’s famous “everything by the book” memo inferred.

When looking back to the Obama years, from the IRS scandal to National Security Agency’s PRISM surveillance system, the strings were being pulled on Americans privacy and Bill of Rights by making intelligence gathering a partisan political tool rather than a means to protect the nation from foreign adversaries.   

Let’s face it, the federal government right now, is not operating in the best interests of our nation, is contrary to the Constitution and has a deep seated hold on despot power by American Marxists.

The protesters on Jan 6th are not the insurrectionists; instead the insurrection has already taken place, and already running the ruin of our nation as the new 4th branch of government that holds all the power, that being, the intelligence agencies. Congress needs to be told to repeal the Patriot Act, along with shuttering all the data bases capturing Americans information as a warrant-less violation of our 4th Amendment rights.

The people need to fight for America’s freedom from federal tyranny at the local and state level if we ever are going to be able to wrestle away this deep wicked weed (Deep State)wrapped deep beneath the foundation of our nation’s capital, if we are to remain a free people. 

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