Thursday, March 10, 2022



Our national security is threatened by a Green New Deal policy and a recalcitrant Democrat party that is bringing our nation to its knees to please a small group of radical leftist. The Climate Change crowd is hell-bent on destroying fossil fuel reliance regardless of its impractical, dysfunctional and highly unreliable status in today’s marketplace, let alone its incapacity to meet our energy needs.

Anyone touting the notion that green energy is currently capable of meeting even half our daily energy needs is lying to you or living in a dreamland. Surely there are Democrat Representatives that know this, yet why would they continue to hamper the production of oil, coal, and natural gas, knowing it would cause inflation, poverty and destroy our nation’s readiness to face world adversity?

Demanding that the citizen’s go green by extortion and coercion is not only an elitist’s dictatorship by a Washington crowd that views the average citizen as rabble to be manipulated and used, it is an unconscionable act of sabotage to our health as free Republic.

The problem is that the Democrats and the environmentalists in that party have been trying to knock the fossil fuel industry domination out of the marketplace for decades, filling their own portfolios with green energy investment stocks and long term plans to create a new green energy dynasty that they would control as the replacement. To most of the elite it is not about pollution, as much as it is about money, power and vainglory.

Moreover the so-called Green movement is a farce, since oil not extracted from our own soil but purchased from Russia, Iran and Venezuela is not cleaner or carbon free but dirtier along with strings attached to its purchase. Instead of using our own deposits and become an exporter, we buy from our enemies and become beholding to their influence? Who is fooling who?

The environmentalists are all over the dial of competing objectives. The environmentalists killed the green energy reliance in the northeast to save fish. That’s right; they have been at war with hydroelectric dams that were already supplying needs to local areas to save fish. Instead of devising a way to allow salmon and another species to surmount the roadblock, they threw the baby out with the river water. Meanwhile they apparently don’t care that birds are being slaughter by wind turbines.

And lithium and cobalt are the key minerals needed to make car batteries for their vaunted so-called carbon free electric vehicles, even though it takes tons of water to process lithium leaving communities near mines thirsty, and the byproducts can damage soil and groundwater, as South America and Tibet are experiencing in China’s mining operations. There is no such thing as an environmentally completely non-consequence producing energy alternative. It is about diverse energy with nominal impact and America is not even close to being able to replace fossil fuels with green monster dreams.

There are other players in this green monster that is devouring our nation’s capital strength that all have different reasons for joining the Climate Change gang of fools on fuels.

There are the America haters that want to see America become just another country in the world without being exceptional. (Obama)

There are those that hold grudges against oil because of tanker spills and oil rig disasters. (Alaska Valdez and Deepwater Horizon)

There are those that think all fossil fuel energy companies are greedy, careless and dispassionate about safety and that green energy is caring and responsible. (Solyndra, Bright Source cost taxpayers millions)

There are those that are just clueless. (AOC and Elizabeth Warren)

Regardless of the reasons why so many liberals in Washington hate oil and love green energy, when does desire overtake reality? When does hate or passion drive policy? When do dreams and wish lists become the voices most heard while the pragmatic needs of the people are ignored?

Yes, Democrats have made everything political and everything political is pandering and pandering leads to impractical policy and dysfunctional governance. 

China and Russia are the beneficiaries of the Democrats political pandering to Green New Deal idiocy that has put this nation on the brink of world War III let alone ruining the health and safety of this nation.

Most American are not against clean alternative energy when it is cheap, available and easily retrofitted into their lives. However, green alternative energy innovation isn’t anywhere near the capability to sustain a country’s economic needs and until it can replace fossil fuels reliability it is still just a small supply gap fill in, like having a generator for your home. You can’t use it to power all your household needs and even in a blackout, it can only give you limited power.

The fact that the Biden Administration continues to cater to the leftist loons that believe forcing oil out and green lighting alternatives will magically produce a utopian world without fossil fuels is an abomination. Pandering for votes as working people struggle to keep gas in their cars and food on the table for their kids is heartless and cold-blooded.

Leaving our nation weak and beholding to our enemies is the true insurrection that Democrats and the Biden Administration are besetting upon our nation and it is an abomination or an Obamanation legacy haunting us again. The question becomes when will Democrat voters understand that these liberal elites and Rino globalists in our nation’s capital are the true danger, and the true enemy to be feared. As average American’s become poorer and the elite bubble grows larger and more ruthless, we suffer because of political expediency.

There is no common sense or practical and fair minded leadership in Congress or amid the media propagandists continuing to promote the myth that America has a strong, reliable and ready to use alternative to fossil fuels. Democrats have lied over and over again about their responsibility for every failure from their idiotic progressive policies, and too many Americans believe their brazen lies.

However, when Democrats continue blaming Russia, blaming oil companies, blaming energy investors to now blaming the American consumer that doesn’t own an electric car, then maybe Americans will realize that Democrats are at war with voters.

Trump rejected globalism and worked successfully to “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) leaving our nation stronger against our enemies and exposed a corrupt Washington and its media.

Biden embraces globalism and is being handled by deep state progressive Democrats to “Make America Diminished” (MAD) leaving our nation weak to our enemies and exposing their complete elitist hostility toward the health, safety and freedoms of the average citizens.   

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