Too many corporations are siding with leftist woke politics trying to bully the majority of people in a state to accept the Marxist anti-American and anti-Judeo-Christian culture in our society. This oligarchy bullying and big moneyed interference in our cultural politics is a step too far and a voice that has no right to speak. That is until our Supreme Court wrongly allowed corporations individual citizen status through a number of court cases dated from 1809 (Bank of the United States v Deveaux) to 2014 (Burwell v Hobby Lobby).
So if one thinks about it, one multimillionaire or billionaire (corporation) can speak in a louder voice than all other citizens in a state and lobby with more money and influence than the majority of people in that state. That indeed is the oligarchy danger the court’s created in assigning individual rights to collective money making machine.
Corporations and other businesses were neutral for many generations over political issues for a very self serving rationale, that being profits. A business wants to cast the largest net of customer sales in order to be both successful and grow its success. Wading into the political abyss and risk alienating even a small segment of their consumer sales was considered bad business. Indeed most corporations in the past have given an equal amount of campaign donations to both political parties to prove their neutrality.
Today however, more and more corporations have been choosing political sides and becoming vocal as to their political choice to support the “woke” Marxist left and their radical agenda. One has to wonder why?Why would they support a minority position and insult the majority of their customers? Is it because they erroneously think that once the Baby Boomers die off the rest of America is “woke”? We all know that corporations cater to the youth market as a way to stay relevant and trendy, but it seems that they have overestimated the size of that radical woke youth.
Do they not remember that it was the youth at college football games that started the (FJB) rant? Do they really think that all of America’s youth are ANTIFA/BLM supporting radical leftists? Do they think that more youth will be radically liberal in the future? Most importantly, do they think that all young mothers and fathers want their children sexually and culturally indoctrinated in school even if they are liberal Democrats that support gay rights?
It is a stunning miscalculation both in the short run and the long run, because the nuances of political thought is a cornucopia of conflicting ideas. People can support the rights of an issue yet balk once it is force fed to their children. People can tolerate a concept but then quickly balk when the reality hits the street or their neighborhood. It isn’t fickleness but rather an inability to imagine the end product once a concept materializes from theory to practical application. America has had many failed experiments with political majority will in concept, but when translated to legislation it then becomes loathed and repealed.Moreover, youth revolt of the previous generation’s culture is a timeless dance of change that moves laterally not back and forth. By this I mean, today’s tattoo ridden bodies are not new but popular as youth always tries to assert its difference and independence from the previous generation. It is side to side rather than out with the old in with the new forever. The generation following the hippy love generation was deemed the yuppies, who valued making money over making love. Just as the generation following the radicals are more likely to be more conservative.
That isn’t a progressive movement forward or even a turning backward but more of a zig zag left to right that hasn’t changed the moral or social values of our culture into a Roman coliseum or a Church centered community.So a zig to the left and a zag to the right are timeless while the center line seems invisible until that generation ages and the center reemerges. Because youth grows up, has children, pays taxes and decides that all their youthful protests were very short sighted and now their views have matured to a much more centered place of reason.
This generation of “woke” youth will find that their first awakening to the loss of popularity to their worldview will be from their own children’s rejection of their values. My parents were hippies, but I am not. My parents were yuppies, but I am not. My parents were Christian strict, but I am not. And yes, my parents were “woke” but I am not. Notice in those statement two realities, the obvious being the child differentiating from their parents view and second that the parents were, not are, hippies and yuppies. The reason for that is that hippies, yuppies and strident Christians have adapted to more centered view because of the children.Free love and sex of the sixties created a notion at the time that social behavior such as marriage and fidelity would die out and be a thing of the past. To date marriage is still popular and fidelity is still required. The rate of divorce might be larger than in the past but marriage and fidelity is still the center line.
So to Disney and all other “woke” corporations choosing to align themselves with a minority radical fringe of gender confused bullies trying to redefine genetics and nature’s procreation schematic, better start worrying about how to apologize to their customers because that center line will return. It will return quicker than you realize as the high school graduates are not attending college but marching straight into the workplace as old fashioned boys and girls, men and women, who also don’t like the innocence of their children destroyed by radical “woke” nonsense.Mickey Mouse land was once a place where families could take their children worry free of adult topics and sexual exhibitionism, now it is catering to the small number of radical people that want to wear their daily change of gender and sexual identity for the world to accept, respect and cater to, while the innocence of small children are pushed aside.
If Disney wants to pander to the LGBTQ consumers than fine, but perhaps instead of calling themselves DISNEYLAND and DISNEYWORLD they should change their name to BRAVE NEW DISNEYWORLD, OR 1984 DISNEY DYSTOPIA or FAHRENHEIT 451 LAND.
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