Friday, November 30, 2012


The President continues to campaign long after the turkey leftovers have been consumed and the turkey carcass has been thrown away. Apparently the President likes his teleprompter road show so much he is trying to sell his policies door to American door. 

His lack of leadership of a lackluster economy that is currently not producing enough jobs while the government’s debt continues to hold investments hostage reminds one of an old time barker.

The President and his dutiful Party of Democrats are pretending to be owners of a mythical elixir that will cure America of its fiscal woes with “just a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down” that being (TTR) or tax the rich.

In typical side show fashion they hide the truth behind the curtain that this so-called curative solution only has a momentary positive effect of financial flush. The long term effect ranges from an ineffective placebo that only balances the deficit for a little over a week to a deep economic recession that creates small business sell- offs, corporate flight overseas and skyrocketing unemployment.

To understand the naïve and cynical mindset of the President and his Party of Democratic Munchkins one must understand that their comprehension of economics and business is even less savvy than a child with a piggy bank. 

Even the most selfish child understands that you don’t anger the benefactor that drops allowance coins in the ceramic container and expect to grow your fortune. A poor benefactor results invariably in a poor beneficiary.

The Democrats and the President speak of tax fairness when the truth is that the rich already pay the lion share of taxation while more and more Americans pay nothing to the treasury. Even a child knows that if they demand too much from their parents the giving dries up.

This envy driven class hatred that is fomented by the President and his party for the 1 percent versus the 99 percent is three times a wolf cry of nonsense. Yet should we be surprised that the President has no history of entrepreneurship? Or that most of the Democrats in Congress equally have no history of entrepreneurship? Or that like Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts many of them are both spoiled by rich spouses and hypocritical elitists that dock their 7 million dollar yachts in States with lower taxes? 

It is like trying to reason with a spoiled child to get the Democrats and the public to understand that wealth creates wealth, government doesn’t create jobs and that quarter under your pillow was not left by the tooth fairy so grow up and get real.

The fiscal cliff, the lackluster economy, the unsustainable debt and the failure to stop the spending of our children’s future opportunity is not solved by soaking the rich in greater taxation but instead it will contract the economic expansion we need to dig out of our financial hole.

Lowering taxes lowers risk that creates the incentive to invest in expansion and new ventures. Raising taxes not only limits spendable capital to invest it compels the wealthy to safely shelter their money or save their money. Businesses would not stay operational for very long if they invested in expansion without regard for expected profits. Why would any business expend capital to realize lower sales, lower profit and higher tax liability? 

Yet the President continues to campaign to the country that these rich fat cats can afford to pay more in taxes and his Party will dole out those collected funds to the rest of us waiting by our mailbox for our soup-line checks. 

He and his Party want us to believe in the new normal in America. That new normal is that a job is optional; self-reliance is over-rated so just sit in front of your television set holding your piggy bank and vote for Democrats who will fill up your jar.

Many Americans are buying this cynical selfish shiftless nonsense completely clueless to simple economic realities that even children understand. The child knows that the only way to fill up their piggy bank so that it overflows requires a two pronged approach. Save their coins rather than spend them and raise more coins. Getting a paper route or a babysitting job raises more coins especially when the tantrum to have their allowance increased fails to yield results.

Americans on the teat of Obama’s cash cow give-away government face two economic realities hanging over their economic ignorant heads. One, by continuing to rely on government they will never see their piggy bank grow. Two, when the 1 percent money dries up and more people are on the couch holding piggy banks there will be no more coins dropped into your Grecian urn. Worse, when you finally realize you should return to self reliant work ethics there will also be a desert of job opportunities.

Obama’s minstrel Occupy Wall Street show tours the country while the opposition (Conservatism) to this reckless policy is painted as bodyguards for the money vaults of the selfish wealthy by a corrupt media. What should the Republicans, hard working Americans and business owners do?

Stand tall on principles, conserve your money and continue to press your local representatives and neighbors to face economic reality. Self reliance always survives over dependency eventually albeit the road back from ignorance to enlightenment will come after some pain.
However, like the child that mourns their loss of naivety when they accept that the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus are myths but then quickly alter their tears of remorse into a prideful mindset that they have grown up and no longer need sugar coated lies.  American values will return when more Americans grow up and realize that the cookie jar is empty.

Half the country may be in the hypnotic spell of Obama’s “ho ho ho happy redistribution” myth but the real scrooge isn’t the conservatives or the productive Americans refusing the Democrat’s gifts. Rather the real scrooges are any Americans blind or aware with callous disregard for the enormous bill they are leaving their children and grandchildren as they watch and let the Democrats rob the treasury.   

Merry Christmas and May God Bless that sanity returns to 100 percent of Americans in the years ahead.

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