Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I reject the idea that half of America is now wedded to a big government statist view on par with European socialism. Instead, the blame for this divide between statists and America’s patriotic faithful is ignorance, indoctrination, cynicism and lobby money corrupting Washington politicians.

Those incumbent Senators and House members talk (squealer) a great game on the campaign stump while they sleep with hoofed feet (Napoleon) in Patriot beds have been destroying (Manor farm) our Constitution.

They have been successful in dummying down the public and as the Orwellian allegory suggests it is hard for the illiterate voter to distinguish which party is Snowball (honorable) and which is Napoleon (Statists).
There are certainly millions of liberal voters that came to the 2012 polls for what they selfishly assert is their right to everything from free healthcare to free phones, clueless still today of the truth, that nothing is free. The Democratic Party may have bribed their vote but how long can they bribe their fickle loyalty?

Conversely the Tea Party, libertarians and Republican voters have foundational values that transcend the politicians pimping of their votes for immediate gratification that undermines our Republic. This is an electorate that is growing in numbers and awareness and is becoming more politically astute each and every day.
They vote for the big picture and not the inane selfish pander that politicians on both sides of the aisle try and sell them. Yet, in their ranks there have been schisms and false prophets that have fractured their unity. Therefore, more work needs to be done to ensure coalescence around the ultimate aim to defeat those that want to bastardize our Republic and re-write our Constitution.

Then there is the growing number of voters choosing to identify themselves as independents. While there is nothing wrong in claiming you do not wish to be labeled (who does) you exist at a time in the American politic where there is a chasm of division from left to right with an empty void in the middle.

Put another way there is no middle so what basic foundational principles do you believe in? What rubric do you use to base your vote on a candidate? You claim your vote is for an individual candidate not a party; really, does the candidate share your view about party disloyalty when it comes to their Congressional voting? Did you elect an independent minded politician that will buck his or her Party? What foundational principles will he or she buck their party view over? 

All voters must have a basic understanding of how the political system operates along with a set of values that are not mutable. Compromise and concession is fine in terms of electing what road to take that leads to the same destination but it is completely unprincipled and defeatist to compromise on the destination from heaven to hell or freedom to slavery.

Voters that sat on the fence in this election and broke late for one candidate or the other or perhaps did not vote are Americans groping in the darkness of the political fog. Astute perhaps not, selfish perhaps not yet at least there is hope. 

Hope to educate them rather than to woo them by Republican moderate pander as the GOP continues to believe in their RINO philosophy. The Tea Party needs to reach out to independents and educate them that there is a difference between party loyalty and party pragmatism.

Patriots have no political party loyalty. In a hypothetical otherworldly realty if the Democrats swear off big government statism and wanted to return to foundational constitutional constraints the Tea Party would be supporting Democrats.  Ha I did say otherworldly hypothetical reality? 

We pragmatically understand that the primary race is the time to vote candidate and the general election is the time to vote Party because Party is power in Washington regardless of what the candidate claims he or she will do. Democrats that claim they will not vote their Party’s agenda are either tricking the voters or running under the wrong platform. 

We in the Tea Party Movement containing a number of groups from libertarians to independents choose to infiltrate and retake control of a GOP party that has lost it way, and has been infiltrated by both secular progressives and corrupt political egoists.

We understand that Washington is corrupted by not just money but by its own self reflexive assumption of leadership. Apparently once in office they forget that they are representatives until re-election comes near and they shine up their work record to convince the boss (constituency) that they deserve to keep their jobs.

Yet We the People (the boss) have our own venial ineptitude as we are either too quick to accept the excuses of the socially progressive voting record of our so-called Republican or Independent representative that wears a bull’s hide while mating with both donkeys and elephants. 

The Tea Party Movement understands the three realities of why politicians in Washington continue to disappoint the electorate.
First both the Democrats and Republican Party have shown the public an equal distribution of corruption and deafness to federalism by usurping power and distorting our Republic’s Constitution for their own egomaniac purposes.
Second, both parties have alienated and indoctrinated voters on red herring social issues intended to distract them from the real threat of their over-reach in the continuing expanse of federal bureaucracy.

Third and most significantly both want power and control and just like (Napoleon) all statists understand an illiterate voter is more persuadable than an astute principled voter that keeps their own recorded copy of the barn door rules.    
Therefore the patriotic movement to recapture control must start with the return of Snowball. Put another way patriots must help educate the electorate and reduce their political illiteracy not just capture their loyalty.

 Conservatives, libertarians and independents should not be arguing about the color of the barn door (social issues) but be more cohesively connected on the barn’s (constitution) foundational structure.

We can all agree on personal liberty expanding our base to include an even larger circle of wagons around the preservation of our Constitution. Teaching what Americans once knew about government, society and the individual. 

Your personal rights begin when you step into the door of your personal property. Yet, your personal right to dictate to others ends when you step out into the eclectic town square or society’s domain. 

The federal government has no right to dictate social philosophy to you the free individual or to sovereign society that gather’s in your State’s town square. 

When people learn that they already wear the ruby slippers, that the almighty OZ is a sham then maybe we can rid the electorate of tin man voters that trust in their cowardly lion politicians.

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