Monday, October 27, 2014


Sane Americans are scratching their heads in confounded stupor as the administration in the White House continues to leave the country open for the importation of a deadly disease. 

Ironic that as our border lays open to all those wishing to come to the United States both legally and illegally, that may be carrying deadly pandemic illness, while the Agriculture Department is still stopping those unlawful fruits and stuffed animals from crossing our border. Yet no travel ban on deadly Ebola virus.

Obama's refusal to order a travel ban on the countries infected is without a rational, logical reason yet we Americans are told not to panic. When do we panic Mr. President? When Ebola infects a grade school? When Ebola infects a city neighborhood? Just when are we Americans suppose to panic?

Isolation and quarantine is the only course of action with a deadly and virulent illness to ensure it does not spread. Indeed, it was the reason for forming the CDC in the first place, yet Washington has become such a political brothel that ineptitude is not the only thing diseased in our bureaucracies; partisan patronage has overtaken government officials as they abdicate their oath to serve the Constitution. 

Apologists suggest, somewhat rightfully, that the President of the United States does not control all the multiply agencies in Washington, and should not be blamed for failures of these bureaucracies.

However, whether you are president of the United States, president of a large corporation or head of your household, your actions and responses once you discover ineptness, misconduct and or criminal activity, is where the "buck stops" and rests solely and squarely on your shoulders to address. 

Denying awareness that your son, Johnny, threw a baseball and broke your neighbor's window might be understandable, but refusing to punish Johnny and pay for the broken glass is now your irresponsible mess. Examples are set, or not, accountability is taken, or not, leadership is shown, or not, hence the blame is yours, or not.  
Obama and the Democrat Party have the controls, and their destructive policy making has caused Americans to be economically depressed, socially repressed and our international influence, regressed.  Americans want honesty and sanity to return to Washington. Obama has become toxic for Democrats this election season.

Therefore Democrat Senators, House members, governors and state legislators seeking re-election or first terms seats, have no interest in hiring the oval office teleprompter to attend their campaign rallies. They have banned their leftist messiah from contaminating their campaigns and tainting them with the liberal sickness. The disaffection for liberal policies has made candidates desperate to try and convince voters that their views are not aligned with the President. It has become so bad in fact, that only those Democrats actively bashing Obama have any hope to re-gain their seat. 

Most Americans understand the game Democrats always play this time of year, election year. The game is simple, study the polls, find out what voters like and dislike, then claim credit for what voter's like and distance themselves from what voters dislike.

The problem this year for the Democrats is that there is little if anything voters like about Obama's policies and the Democrat led direction that has embroiled the country into a fire pit of vulnerability. 

Make no mistake, the Democrat Party is the President's Party, the Harry Reid Party and the Nancy Pelosi Party. It is a progressive liberal Party, a radical Alinsky political party and an extremely unified party that has not sided politically, with any policies, other than Obama's damning policies.

Therefore, when these Democrats, claim that they vote independently in Congress, or that if you re-elect them that they will in the future, don't be fooled and swindled by their campaign spin.

Voters need to know the symptoms and virulent nature of the infection called the Obama  political virus;
Democrats have an allergy against free enterprise, fossil fuel energy, private healthcare and limited government.

Democrats have a nauseated view of American sovereignty in which they continue to gag voters by pushing amnesty for illegal aliens.

Democrats suffer from rabid masochistic political correctness and multicultural thinking that always undermines America's protection in order to not insult the sensibilities of other nations. 

Democrats are immune to constitutional restraints on their power and will always endeavor to grow government and pass unlawful laws and regulations.

Democrats can't swallow the anti-terrorists  prescription that wages war on radical Islam. Instead of aggressively attacking the jihadists terrorists and the mosques that condone terrorism, they promote the myth of Islam as peaceful and call Americans a made up word; Islamaphobic.  

Democrats have complete paralysis when it comes to accepting responsibility, accountability, suffering consequences for actions and shame. Blaming Republicans has become their overused excuse while they repeat the mindlessness cry of racism on every issue with a Tourette's syndrome lack of restraint.  

Finally, Democrats are addicted to socialist ideology that undermines the traditional family, Judeo-Christian values,  states' rights and personal responsibility for one's success and happiness. From minimum wage to banning guns, from gay marriage to silencing the pulpits they have a political agenda hostile to what has made America exceptional and this party is exceptionally determined to alter our future toward destruction of our constitutional Republic.   

 Wash your hands before and after you go to the polls, vote out this diseased Party and wash them out of power in our government. American voters need to isolate the progressive virus (Democrat Party), recover from the feverous delusion that American values are dead, and start vaccinating the next generation against leftist anti-American ideology.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


The term lame duck in American politics historically has been defined as the period of months when a sitting President awaited his leave of office between the November election of a new President and the official inauguration in January. Yet, it has come to include all politicians serving in their offices after their defeat at the polls.

The origin of the term references nature in that a lame duck would not be able to keep up with his flock and therefore would be a target for predators. Given that in politics, political parties are like flocks, an outgoing politician has little influence and is generally ignored. Indeed, a loyal out-going party member is expected start working on a smooth torch passing transition along with not acting or using their remaining power to stir controversy.

What has once been seen as an obvious political condition of paralysis due to election results, has now transcended into a political strategy of cowardly inaction, played by both sides of the aisle before upcoming elections.   

The current thinking by both Democrats and Republican Party leaders is that in the many months prior to an election it would be foolhardy to introduce divisive legislation or make fractious public policy while voters are in contemplation. Both political parties fear doing anything significant because it might alienate their base of supporters and alter the outcome of the election to their disfavor.

"Wag the dog" was a fictional movie about a president embroiled in scandal using the political diversion tactic of going to war to redirect media coverage. The title's inspiration originated with an old expression "tail wagging the dog" to convey an opposite shift of normal control. It appears to many critics of modern American politics that instead of our media being the watch dog over political wrongdoing it has become the whimpering dog that only barks when it's owner (Obama) prompts it. 

Today given the alignment of mainstream media to the current administration, and our political parties in Washington in pre-election paralysis, Americans are increasingly disgusted as we watch our country being roiled with crises after crises while our leadership hides under their partisan beds.

Lame and duck are two words that aptly describes the political failure of our current representative  leadership in all three branches of government. The President's lame actions against ISIS along with his administration's continued denial of the western world's war on Islamic radicalism are no more than political stunts for election appearances. It allows him to appease his leftist base that detests wars while fooling independents that he is defending the country against the bad guys. 

Meanwhile afraid of their own shadow casting too large a specter before November elections, our Congress has been AWOL. The President's voodoo doll Harry Reid has manipulated the Senate chamber into a long running episode of the "Walking Dead" where House Bills go to die on his desk.

Let's not forget the Supreme Court that refused to hear any appeal cases on gay marriage laws versus states' rights to ban them. Some argue that the court held off because not all the cases involved in the dispute have made their way up the judicial ladder and therefore the court is waiting until the last moment to address the issue. That means that for all intensive purposes gay marriage will become by default, both legal and inexorably over time impossible to overturn.  Well now, doesn't that sound like a lame duck and a dodge to you?

We live in a smaller world made so by global corporate trade, world financial markets and transient citizenship that no longer respects borders, boundaries and privacy rights. The traditional patriotic American is now under siege by the importation of the world's problems welcomed on our shores by corrupt representatives seeking only to raise money to hold power. 

Who is the tail wagging the dog today? So we must ask ourselves who is the head of the dog? Where is the head of the dog? Why can't the dog's head control its tail anymore in America? 

The politicians are waiting for us, "We the People" to vote in a few short weeks, and yes, we are the head of the alpha dog. We have been leashed and chained by our wanna-be-our-masters (progressives) long enough. Time to growl, snap and bare our canine teeth, time to sic the Democrat Party that seeks to undermine our Constitution and our sovereignty.

Yet amid the political paralysis and "tail- wagging- the- dog" antics by Washington, the world grows more sinister, and the threats to our nation don't wait for election results. The terrorists are certainly not waiting. The Ebola virus is certainly not waiting.  The illegal aliens pouring over our borders are not waiting. The high cost of living, the shrinking of good paying jobs and the cultural diminishment of our values are all not waiting. Instead, for once, we the electorate are waiting for our own voices of reason to a government run by inept ideologues.

We can't act stupidly, by sitting on our hands and not voting for a Republican candidate out of protest for a lost primary race (Mississippi). We can't let Democrats win by voting for a long shot independent candidate that drains the votes needed by the Republican on the ticket. We must win and grab the Senate from Harry Reid and make this President quack and waddle. 

Only after 730 days go by, (every two years) do "We the People" have the opportunity to bark the truth, scare away the quacks and reintroduce the lame duck lawmakers; to who really owns the watchdog's tail, head and all the parts in-between.  The American electorate must show Washington, that yes, our bark is loud and our bite is always to be feared.