Thursday, April 29, 2010


Which guy do you think is is the crazy one? Does the Democratic Party really believe that by bashing political commentors on the right that we will be blinded by what are own eyes see?
As Americans would we not rather be called crazy than cattle and sheep being led down the Socialist path?

The mainstream media is losing viewership, the liberal radio talks shows,
the liberal print media and according to polls our own President is not being listened to as well.

I think the pollsters should ask what people think of Glen Beck? Do they trust him or think he is a right wing crazy nut-case?

Have you not noticed that President Obama has gone out of his way to address  or more aptly to marginalize his detractors yet Glen Beck's red phone never rings.

Perhaps the President is afraid that if he took on the people's political guru and sage (Beck) his poll numbers would plummet even further. Then he would be a political campaign liabilty for Democratic candidates in this years election more so than at present.

Glen Beck is the Paul Revere of our distressing anti-constitutional times and he has been and is still, warning us that the "turncoats are coming...the turncoats are coming."

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