Wednesday, April 28, 2010


What would you say if I told you there was a People’s Party? That this Party has the slogan “Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men” joined in opposition against human enslavement and government tyranny. What if I equally told you that this Party has fashioned its name to allude to one of the Founding Father’s Thomas Jefferson?

Are you interested in learning more about this political Party? Well, it is a party dedicated to the rights of the individuals over government.

Doesn’t this sound like a Party you would like to support? Want to hear more information as to its platform? It is a Party dedicated to “reducing the size of government, streamlining bureaucracy and returning power to individual States.” This party considers itself Freedom Fighters and claims to be dedicated to “fight for individuals’ rights in opposition to a large, intrusive government.”
Would you expect that those candidates running on its core principles and beliefs would be worthy of our Tea Party Movement vote?

Alas, and true like all great ideals and intentions that initiate structure and organization to solidify support, endeavor to retain loyalty, amass creditability and do practical battle in the political arena something gets lost. Yes, by well-meaning miscalculation, political expediency or just plain pompous grandiosity these political groups and parties tend to lose focus and adherence to their core principles.

It becomes our incumbent and ever vigilant duty to remind those Party leaders who have strayed and or abandoned those core principles to step back into the Party platform or be replaced as spokespersons.

Now, back to the People’s Party, I had asked you earlier “what would you say if I told there was a People’s Party?” It does exist. I was not teasing you.

They just have another name that they have been using since 1856. Their first party president John C. Freemont gave the Party its National status and four years after that it won a presidential seat. Ring any bells yet? Oh well perhaps I should mention that it decided to use another name other than the People’s Party.

They call themselves…The Republican Party or if you prefer the 1875 expression the“gallant old party” that changed into the “grand old party” or the “G.O.P.” Remember them? Perhaps they have forgotten us?

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