Friday, April 30, 2010


Janet Napolitano silenced and stymied the conservatives in the State House by use of her veto pen for six long years. Oh but now, that there is a new Republican Governor the conservative agenda and conservatism in Arizona is growing.

 This new Arizona Immigration Law is just one of a number of new pieces of legislation the State House has on its agenda. In an un-intended way the Obama Administration has removed the hen guarding the fox house. By giving her office to Arizona Secretary of State Jan Brewer a strong social conservative Barak and Napolitano have both made Arizona's homeland more secure.

Jan Brewer has promised the Republican legislators that their conservative agenda priorties will be signed. Voters in Arizona are not just tired of the lack of Federal action on the border but equally frustrated at the flacid flip floppy middle of the road republicans that run on conservative values but play wish washy on the issues. Sound familiar Washington Republicans? What does this mean? Two things for us to remember until November;

 One; ( "all politics is local." Tip O'neill), we cannot underestimate or under-value the power of Govenor's races and State House races.

Two; by telling the candidates in our local State races that Arizona's actions are the kind of tough conservative stands we expect from our republican representatives, perhaps we will encourage them to take a stand,
On something...on anything and then stick to their...principles. (I bet you thought I was going to say guns? No...they can't be trusted.) 

1 comment:

hoodoo said...

Claudia, this Arizona example of the popularity of conservative common sense, in the face of the lamestream media, is a lesson we have tohammer home to the GOP. IF they follow us they can win. If they act like wimps they will lose.

This regime has unleashed the Traditional Americans and has no idea how fast their doom is coming. The longer they try to ignore our demands the stronger our resolve. We have the truth of proven principles as our foundation. They have nothing but failed promises and a history of defeat based on lies. WE WIN !