I have often had discussions with people who expressed strongly their political views. I always enjoy a spirited debate and never allowed myself or them to debase the discussion into personal attack. The theme I most often heard was I hate all the bums (politicians) and it is all (politics) corrupt. I may not have necessarily disagreed with that broad brush stroke of dissatisfaction but we were usually arguing candidates or issues.
When that statement was made I flashed in my mind the question that might in the end win the argument. "Who did you vote for in the last election?" More than not the answer was "eh...I don't involve myself in the dirty business of politics plus my vote doesn't count." Ha I thought another bag of wind blowing hot air as I changed the subject knowing that this person did not deserve my political engagement for they were the problem. Talk is cheap and talk from disengaged spectators is the cheapest!
There is no reason anymore for any American to not be registered and to claim that their vote doesn't count. Apathy and or disgust with politics should no longer be tolerated by Americans who are cynical and do not trust their government.
Registering to vote is an easy process and one needs only to type into their computer search engine "Secretary of State Alaska" or Maine or California example and then look for the Election icon and easily find the information on how to register to vote. Some States like my Great State of Maine allows you to register the same day of voting whereas others require one to register in advance of the election.
Another big excuse given by people in the past as to why they do not vote is that they are not informed of the issues and find it hard to educate themselves. Again, that was when voters had to rely on their newspapers, the League of Woman Voter organizations or the T.V. News debates and
political adds.
No more excuses of ignorance are acceptable in today's Internet age for all voters. "Google" or "Yahoo" or "Bing" or any search any you like, to investigate the candidates, to learn more about the referendum question and to easily and quickly ascertain the information about up-coming elections without having to be a political junkie.
Go back to the Secretary of State site and print out or view a sample ballot you will be given weeks before an election. Mock it up, discuss it with your family and friends but go into the polling place prepared and informed.
KNOW your rights in the polling place! If you marked your ballot incorrectly and want another ballot you have a right to request one but not after you have submitted your ballot!
Vote in your town, city and State elections as well as in primary elections because that town selectman you disagree with will run for the State House and then maybe for State Senate and so on and so forth. The best way to defeat career politicians or those candidates with Anti-Constitutional values is when they are in your neighborhood sniffing for votes.
Do not be discouraged when your vote is in the minority and you lose elections. Keep voting and keep participating because when you do talk to your friends about your political views at least now you can be proud and back up your political views and positions by saying "yes" I am registered and I vote my voice and views religiously. I am a civic minded patriotic American citizen.
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