Saturday, February 25, 2012


I am sick and tired of pundits and voters that “cling” to the false lies spewed by the liberals that Republicans will legislate morality and institute bans on free will and choice.
This a false narrative promulgated by Democrats that equate the overturning of Roe V. Wade as being the step (more apt leap) into women dying of “coat hanger abortions” by claiming that if States don’t fund abortion then poor women will self-abort.
They claim if States are not forced to fund abortion then most States will make abortion illegal and ergo take away all women’s right to choose options in her pregnant condition.
If there is free choice for a woman to abort then there should be free choice for women who do not support abortion to not have their taxpayer dollars used against their moral objections.
Clearly if government decided to supply State prisoners with pornographic magazines using taxpayer money Democrats would be up in arms claiming it would be morally reprehensible to have female taxpayers footing the bill for the exploitation of women.
The NOW organization would be the first to decry the practice as an abomination against women’s rights. Yet, this same organization has zero empathy for conservative women who do not wish their taxpayer dollars to be used to fund abortions under the same grounds of moral objection.
Not only is this a false premise the complete opposite is true. It is the Democrats that are intruding on the rights of pro life taxpayers to morally object to their tax dollars being spent on a morally reprehensible promotion.
There are many ways to resolve the issue of a women’s right to choose while preserving a citizen right to retain conscientious objection. One way is to use the Public Campaign Finance model as a way to bridge the gap.
On our Federal income tax 1040 form it asks whether you as a taxpayer are willing to donate a $3 dollars for Presidential election campaign fund. Why can’t States ask taxpayers to donate to an Abortion/contraceptive fund for welfare recipients?
This money then would be raised and used by those without moral objection to abortion. State’s  could be required to put the money in escrow and  only used for this specific purpose (abortion) while collecting interest to be rolled over year to year to keep the money available to those who qualified for the need.
Taxpayers now would not be forced to financially support abortion, while taxpayers in support of abortion could contribute their money with their opinion.
This is just one example of common sense solution to a contentious social issue facing the country. Democrats are fond of saying they are the party that protects freedom of choice, a lie while they accuse Republicans as the party wishing to enact morale bans on personal behavior, a damn lie.
The hypocrisy of suggesting that only socially liberal Democrats are awarded freedom of choice and all those that morally disagree are out in the cold. Moreover the demonizing of the religious right as being hell-bent on passing laws to criminalize moral behavior is a sham and a ginned up scare tactic by the left.
Conservatives want government out of the social issues while Democrats have used their over-reaching interpretation of our Constitution to interfere with long held moral values in American society.
The Democrats are under our beds! The Democrats are in our children’s heads. The Democrats are in our kitchens. The Democrats are in our cars. The Democrats are in our kid’s lunchboxes. The Democrats are in our churches. The Democrats are in ALL our social issues! That’s what social programs mean!
This is the party that wants big government to tell you (mandate) what to buy, what to eat, what to think about moral issues, what to be allowed to say (political correct) and most importantly take away all individual rights and private ownership.
The Democrats have been encroaching on our liberties for half a century and yet Americans are being duped to believe that the Republican Party is the threat because they support religious freedom, pro-life morality, limited laws and regulations, separation of powers, fidelity to constitutional protected rights and a Federal government that stops dictating to State government.
It is the Democratic Party that undermines our 1st and 2nd Amendment not the Republicans. It is the Democratic Party proselytizing and dictating their sexual social views on church institutions denying religious freedom.
What rational common sense American can’t see that Democrats big government intrusion on everyone’s personal liberty to choose individually is what this culture war in America is all about?

I am an American, so don’t tell me Democrats what to buy. I am an American so don’t tell me Democrats how much salt, sugar or pork fat I can eat! I am an American, so don’t tell me Democrats what words I cannot say! I am an American so don’t tell me Democrats what car I can drive! I am an American, so don’t tell me Democrats what light bulbs I can screw into my lamps! I am an American, so don’t tell me Democrats what I can pack in my child’s lunchbox! I am an American, so don’t tell me Democrats that I must pay for the deceased previous owner’s pollution on property I purchase! I am an American, so don’t tell me Democrats that I must pay for union pensions when I don’t have one! I am an America so don’t tell me Democrats what my moral views should be on any social issue!
I am an American that wants the dictating Democrats out of my business, my home, my children’s school, my church and my life period!
I will not cede my rights by voting for Democrats but prefer to seed the Republican Party with new blood that respects my individual right to have government out of my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Those that think that the 2012 election is about the American economy as the sole overarching issues of import are not only blind to the political reality but show their self-possessed issue orientated careless civic responsibility.

Never before has America’s Constitution been more under siege.

Never before has the Country’s debt been more burdensome on posterity.

Never before has half the Country’s population been non-taxpaying.

Never before has the Country’s law enforcement agencies openly admitted
spying on Americans on social network sites.

Never before has the Country gone this long without passing a Federal budget.

Never before has the Country seen an administration so hostile to both foreign allied countries and its own citizens on the opposing political fence.

Never before has the Country experienced an administration that openly mocks the power of Congress by making cabinet appointment without Senate consent.

Never before has the Country seen its Justice Department complicit in arming drug thugs in another country for the political purpose of undermining the 2nd Amendment.

Never before has the Country seen a federal government with a cadre of Czars not answerable to Congress or the people.

Never before has the Country experienced a Healthcare and Financial Bill that contains so many tentacles of regulatory power that it threatens the whole notion of private enterprise.

Never before has the Country experienced an edict by a President that openly challenges their 1st Amendment rights of free exercise of religion.

Never before has the Country experienced an entrenched media bias that wishes to propagandize for the President while American citizens are purposefully misled.

Never before has the Country seen a president in the White House that openly preaches distorted truth, re-writes the historic meaning of our founded Republic, disparages America while in foreign countries and is a pathological ideologue.

This election is not about the economy and the unemployment numbers.

This election is about America’s survival as a financially solvent, constitutionally sound and intact Republic currently under siege by the President and his Democratic Party minions.

All Americans regardless of whether they call themselves Independent, Republican, Democrat or Libertarian should clearly see that the future of our Nation is at stake.

There should be no excuses that you did not know. There should be no claims of special interest rationale. There should be no mistaking that this election is the crossroad for the future of America.

What did you do for your Country? How did you vote for your Country? What America did you leave your children? Did you leave them a Country that you were proud to hand over to them?