Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The tragedy that occurred in the Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Connecticut is depraved and senseless and conjures in all our minds the truth that life is precious and precarious.

All Americans are saddened and sickened by this slaughter of youth by a young man who obviously was consumed by an evil dark force. Others look to blame more than the evil doer opting instead to spread the blame to include everything from guns to our society’s values. 

Trying to deconstruct and understand his deranged motivation in the aftermath of this disturbing carnage seems both urgently necessary and pointless at the same time. Some feel that by understanding what instigated this predator we can somehow prevent him and those similar to him from acting on their sadistic twisted plans, but can we?

We hear psychiatrist and other mental health professionals make the claim that with proper intercession this killer could have been treated or confined in a facility so as to prevent their violent aggression. The question that remains however is how? 

How have we ever been able to both adequately diagnose the psychopath or the sociopath that walks among us acting completely normal while they hide their deep frightful secret that they have a complete void of empathic sentiment? The answer of course is no.

Have we the right to have officials lock up, an imprison free thinking human beings suffering  a mental disorder or not that express violent thoughts but claim they would never act upon them? The answer is both no and never should we consider that tyrannical an option. 

Have we ever been able to cure with either drugs or therapy the callous heart of the psychopath? The answer is no. 

Doctors and medicine may be able to help and assists the patient that seeks cures but many chronic cases of both psychical and mental illnesses are only managed through drug and therapy. When a patient decides to stop taking their medications or lies and deceives professionals that they are taking their medications then all bets are off.

Psychiatrists also assume that after a number of tests and interviews they have the medical knowledge to ascertain the level of a patient’s violent tendencies and make a clear and correct diagnosis as to whether an individual poses a threat to society. Are they ever wrong? Yes.

We need only look at our parole system to understand that the criminal mind is smart enough to tell professionals exactly what they want to hear, knowing that if they honestly exposed their true thoughts they would never be granted their freedom.

Therefore, knowing how impossible it is to read the mind of any human as to their desire and capacity to visit this kind of sadistic hell of deadly violence on our society what do we do?

Sadly, we once again have small minds turning the blame to inanimate objects as the cure to these cursed events, or calls for gun bans. This notion that guns kill people seems to distance the crazy shooter from accountability. For those mass murders that don’t end up committing suicide why don’t their lawyers argue that the guns made them do it? 

Guns, knives, poisons, explosives are all lethal objects in one hand and protection, constructive tools, disease control and hazard clearing devices on the other hand, when used for good over evil. To those sick souls seeking mayhem and violence the list of destructive means and weapons for their sadistic intents is very long indeed. Banning guns will not stop evil from predating on the public just as more laws never deters the hell bent anti-social criminal it seeks to curb.

The real question all should be asking is how do we protect schools and public places from these compassion-less killing machines disguising themselves as human beings? 

The unarmed principal of the Sandy Hook school tried to grab the gunman’s weapon in a clear act of bravery. Imagine if she was instead armed. Perhaps in a blaze of bullets both the gunman and the principal might suffer the same lethal fate but then 20 children would have been spared death.

Perhaps science might be useful as well in designing a robotic security guard capable of taking on the shooting maniac so that no-one’s life is lost except the rabid human killer that deserves to be fast tracked to hell.

Blaming the mother for this deranged human being’s action isn’t fair. Blaming society for this deranged animal acting sociopath isn’t fair. Blaming guns for this deranged sicko is equally not fair. 

We are not telepathic, we cannot read the minds of these ticking time bombs of mayhem and therefore more of them will be born. More of them will appear normal until their acts of inhumanity. More of them will seem quiet and unassuming until they expose their secret empty hearted satanic plan that endangers us all. 

Therefore, the only answer is not to ban guns or lock up all those who have a mental illness but instead to have the public educated for quick reaction to crises. Since teaching fire safety and doing drills with children and adults the loss of life caused by fires has been significantly reduced in our society. Quick reaction during a time of danger requires a plan of action and egress planned in advance of a panic situation. Therefore, we need madman plans that result in a quick response to these devils of destruction.

Equipping our schools and public building with more emergency exits, along with having plans between ourselves and loved ones in advance of a threat works. Parents warn their children against fire and sexual predators so adding the gun shooting lunatic to their list of worst case scenarios should be included. Teaching the public how to best respond to this mass murder mayhem has been woefully lacking for too long.

Mall security should not be a lame comedy movie but a legitimately trained response force. Schools should have an armed security force as well that operate behind the scenes not scaring little kids by patrolling the hallways locked and loaded. Or making our schools seem like prisons to our children. We can do a far better job than just calling 911 and waiting for help to arrive while many people are slaughtered by suicidal psychopaths.

If the Sandy Hook school had emergency doors in every classroom that could be both blown open by a principal or teacher by pulling a switch, think of the lives that might have been saved. If closed circuit video showed the gunman to a school’s security guard who could drop the killer in a hallway before he killed or at least drop him to greatly reduce the number of his victims then we would be talking intelligently not stupidly about safety.

Banning guns and locking up all the people you think might be potentially violent is a fool’s rant. In the era of terrorism be it by religious zealots or sociopathic madmen we as a society need to think of ways to quickly react to neutralize the threat and save lives.

Friday, November 30, 2012


The President continues to campaign long after the turkey leftovers have been consumed and the turkey carcass has been thrown away. Apparently the President likes his teleprompter road show so much he is trying to sell his policies door to American door. 

His lack of leadership of a lackluster economy that is currently not producing enough jobs while the government’s debt continues to hold investments hostage reminds one of an old time barker.

The President and his dutiful Party of Democrats are pretending to be owners of a mythical elixir that will cure America of its fiscal woes with “just a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down” that being (TTR) or tax the rich.

In typical side show fashion they hide the truth behind the curtain that this so-called curative solution only has a momentary positive effect of financial flush. The long term effect ranges from an ineffective placebo that only balances the deficit for a little over a week to a deep economic recession that creates small business sell- offs, corporate flight overseas and skyrocketing unemployment.

To understand the naïve and cynical mindset of the President and his Party of Democratic Munchkins one must understand that their comprehension of economics and business is even less savvy than a child with a piggy bank. 

Even the most selfish child understands that you don’t anger the benefactor that drops allowance coins in the ceramic container and expect to grow your fortune. A poor benefactor results invariably in a poor beneficiary.

The Democrats and the President speak of tax fairness when the truth is that the rich already pay the lion share of taxation while more and more Americans pay nothing to the treasury. Even a child knows that if they demand too much from their parents the giving dries up.

This envy driven class hatred that is fomented by the President and his party for the 1 percent versus the 99 percent is three times a wolf cry of nonsense. Yet should we be surprised that the President has no history of entrepreneurship? Or that most of the Democrats in Congress equally have no history of entrepreneurship? Or that like Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts many of them are both spoiled by rich spouses and hypocritical elitists that dock their 7 million dollar yachts in States with lower taxes? 

It is like trying to reason with a spoiled child to get the Democrats and the public to understand that wealth creates wealth, government doesn’t create jobs and that quarter under your pillow was not left by the tooth fairy so grow up and get real.

The fiscal cliff, the lackluster economy, the unsustainable debt and the failure to stop the spending of our children’s future opportunity is not solved by soaking the rich in greater taxation but instead it will contract the economic expansion we need to dig out of our financial hole.

Lowering taxes lowers risk that creates the incentive to invest in expansion and new ventures. Raising taxes not only limits spendable capital to invest it compels the wealthy to safely shelter their money or save their money. Businesses would not stay operational for very long if they invested in expansion without regard for expected profits. Why would any business expend capital to realize lower sales, lower profit and higher tax liability? 

Yet the President continues to campaign to the country that these rich fat cats can afford to pay more in taxes and his Party will dole out those collected funds to the rest of us waiting by our mailbox for our soup-line checks. 

He and his Party want us to believe in the new normal in America. That new normal is that a job is optional; self-reliance is over-rated so just sit in front of your television set holding your piggy bank and vote for Democrats who will fill up your jar.

Many Americans are buying this cynical selfish shiftless nonsense completely clueless to simple economic realities that even children understand. The child knows that the only way to fill up their piggy bank so that it overflows requires a two pronged approach. Save their coins rather than spend them and raise more coins. Getting a paper route or a babysitting job raises more coins especially when the tantrum to have their allowance increased fails to yield results.

Americans on the teat of Obama’s cash cow give-away government face two economic realities hanging over their economic ignorant heads. One, by continuing to rely on government they will never see their piggy bank grow. Two, when the 1 percent money dries up and more people are on the couch holding piggy banks there will be no more coins dropped into your Grecian urn. Worse, when you finally realize you should return to self reliant work ethics there will also be a desert of job opportunities.

Obama’s minstrel Occupy Wall Street show tours the country while the opposition (Conservatism) to this reckless policy is painted as bodyguards for the money vaults of the selfish wealthy by a corrupt media. What should the Republicans, hard working Americans and business owners do?

Stand tall on principles, conserve your money and continue to press your local representatives and neighbors to face economic reality. Self reliance always survives over dependency eventually albeit the road back from ignorance to enlightenment will come after some pain.
However, like the child that mourns their loss of naivety when they accept that the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus are myths but then quickly alter their tears of remorse into a prideful mindset that they have grown up and no longer need sugar coated lies.  American values will return when more Americans grow up and realize that the cookie jar is empty.

Half the country may be in the hypnotic spell of Obama’s “ho ho ho happy redistribution” myth but the real scrooge isn’t the conservatives or the productive Americans refusing the Democrat’s gifts. Rather the real scrooges are any Americans blind or aware with callous disregard for the enormous bill they are leaving their children and grandchildren as they watch and let the Democrats rob the treasury.   

Merry Christmas and May God Bless that sanity returns to 100 percent of Americans in the years ahead.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I reject the idea that half of America is now wedded to a big government statist view on par with European socialism. Instead, the blame for this divide between statists and America’s patriotic faithful is ignorance, indoctrination, cynicism and lobby money corrupting Washington politicians.

Those incumbent Senators and House members talk (squealer) a great game on the campaign stump while they sleep with hoofed feet (Napoleon) in Patriot beds have been destroying (Manor farm) our Constitution.

They have been successful in dummying down the public and as the Orwellian allegory suggests it is hard for the illiterate voter to distinguish which party is Snowball (honorable) and which is Napoleon (Statists).
There are certainly millions of liberal voters that came to the 2012 polls for what they selfishly assert is their right to everything from free healthcare to free phones, clueless still today of the truth, that nothing is free. The Democratic Party may have bribed their vote but how long can they bribe their fickle loyalty?

Conversely the Tea Party, libertarians and Republican voters have foundational values that transcend the politicians pimping of their votes for immediate gratification that undermines our Republic. This is an electorate that is growing in numbers and awareness and is becoming more politically astute each and every day.
They vote for the big picture and not the inane selfish pander that politicians on both sides of the aisle try and sell them. Yet, in their ranks there have been schisms and false prophets that have fractured their unity. Therefore, more work needs to be done to ensure coalescence around the ultimate aim to defeat those that want to bastardize our Republic and re-write our Constitution.

Then there is the growing number of voters choosing to identify themselves as independents. While there is nothing wrong in claiming you do not wish to be labeled (who does) you exist at a time in the American politic where there is a chasm of division from left to right with an empty void in the middle.

Put another way there is no middle so what basic foundational principles do you believe in? What rubric do you use to base your vote on a candidate? You claim your vote is for an individual candidate not a party; really, does the candidate share your view about party disloyalty when it comes to their Congressional voting? Did you elect an independent minded politician that will buck his or her Party? What foundational principles will he or she buck their party view over? 

All voters must have a basic understanding of how the political system operates along with a set of values that are not mutable. Compromise and concession is fine in terms of electing what road to take that leads to the same destination but it is completely unprincipled and defeatist to compromise on the destination from heaven to hell or freedom to slavery.

Voters that sat on the fence in this election and broke late for one candidate or the other or perhaps did not vote are Americans groping in the darkness of the political fog. Astute perhaps not, selfish perhaps not yet at least there is hope. 

Hope to educate them rather than to woo them by Republican moderate pander as the GOP continues to believe in their RINO philosophy. The Tea Party needs to reach out to independents and educate them that there is a difference between party loyalty and party pragmatism.

Patriots have no political party loyalty. In a hypothetical otherworldly realty if the Democrats swear off big government statism and wanted to return to foundational constitutional constraints the Tea Party would be supporting Democrats.  Ha I did say otherworldly hypothetical reality? 

We pragmatically understand that the primary race is the time to vote candidate and the general election is the time to vote Party because Party is power in Washington regardless of what the candidate claims he or she will do. Democrats that claim they will not vote their Party’s agenda are either tricking the voters or running under the wrong platform. 

We in the Tea Party Movement containing a number of groups from libertarians to independents choose to infiltrate and retake control of a GOP party that has lost it way, and has been infiltrated by both secular progressives and corrupt political egoists.

We understand that Washington is corrupted by not just money but by its own self reflexive assumption of leadership. Apparently once in office they forget that they are representatives until re-election comes near and they shine up their work record to convince the boss (constituency) that they deserve to keep their jobs.

Yet We the People (the boss) have our own venial ineptitude as we are either too quick to accept the excuses of the socially progressive voting record of our so-called Republican or Independent representative that wears a bull’s hide while mating with both donkeys and elephants. 

The Tea Party Movement understands the three realities of why politicians in Washington continue to disappoint the electorate.
First both the Democrats and Republican Party have shown the public an equal distribution of corruption and deafness to federalism by usurping power and distorting our Republic’s Constitution for their own egomaniac purposes.
Second, both parties have alienated and indoctrinated voters on red herring social issues intended to distract them from the real threat of their over-reach in the continuing expanse of federal bureaucracy.

Third and most significantly both want power and control and just like (Napoleon) all statists understand an illiterate voter is more persuadable than an astute principled voter that keeps their own recorded copy of the barn door rules.    
Therefore the patriotic movement to recapture control must start with the return of Snowball. Put another way patriots must help educate the electorate and reduce their political illiteracy not just capture their loyalty.

 Conservatives, libertarians and independents should not be arguing about the color of the barn door (social issues) but be more cohesively connected on the barn’s (constitution) foundational structure.

We can all agree on personal liberty expanding our base to include an even larger circle of wagons around the preservation of our Constitution. Teaching what Americans once knew about government, society and the individual. 

Your personal rights begin when you step into the door of your personal property. Yet, your personal right to dictate to others ends when you step out into the eclectic town square or society’s domain. 

The federal government has no right to dictate social philosophy to you the free individual or to sovereign society that gather’s in your State’s town square. 

When people learn that they already wear the ruby slippers, that the almighty OZ is a sham then maybe we can rid the electorate of tin man voters that trust in their cowardly lion politicians.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


In a few days Americans will reveal whether we embrace American values of freedom, free enterprise, constitutional fealty, federalism and courage under fire.

Our patriotism will either rise again or continue to be transformed by elitists seeking to devolve our history and diminish our spirits. This election may not be the last but it will be the first response to an ideological siege upon our values as a nation.

When we fought a revolution against the enslavement of King George III not all the colonists supported the war for our independence. Some remained loyal to their king, some believed the war to be both futile and suicidal and still some others wanted to continue to negotiate with England believing in a pacifist’s solution but we are not descendents from these weak kneed stock.

We are seeing a divided country as we were prior to the Civil War but instead of it being a north versus south dividing line of states over slavery the division is more red state versus blue state over socialism that would enslave us all.

Why are we Americans even having this debate? How can a country with a storied history of valiant bravery to gain our freedom that then fought to ensure all Americans be equally blessed with that freedom want to now hand it over to elitist bureaucrats?

The answer is socialists’ insurgency. Insurgency in our educational system from kindergarten to university, insurgency from pew to pulpit, insurgency from business to lobbyists, insurgency from unions to campaign funds, insurgency from progressives in both political Parties and insurgency that has invaded the last bastion of patriotism; American family values.

Americans have always been reasonable caring and common sensible citizens that want fairness to be applied for everyone yet even that has been corrupted by the myth of Statists claiming equality equals fairness.

Fairness is not always equal but equal is never fair to a diverse world of uniqueness.

Below is a quick lesson on myth versus fact about equality being the same as fairness.

A mother of two twin boys aged 10 named Peter and Paul Smith admonishes the boys not to cut thorough the neighbor’s yard on route to school. The neighbor has complained and the mother warns that they will be punished if they disobey.
Paul likes to read and build model airplanes in his room after school whereas Peter is less studious hates being cooped up in his room and loves to be outside playing games with friends.

They follow their mother’s rules to not trespass until one day they are very late for school. Peter presses Paul that if they don’t cut through the neighbor’s yard they will be late for school. Paul hesitates but Peter convinces him that the neighbor’s car isn’t in the driveway so with none home and no one will know. They ran through the yard unknowing that the neighbor was in fact home and promptly called their mother.

Version I punishment under equality;

When Peter and Paul arrived home from school they were met with a very angry mother that sentenced both boys to what she called equal punishment. Both boys were confined to their respective rooms after school for a period of one week to come out only for dinner.

Both Peter and Paul accepted that they both equally violated mother’s rule. However, Peter felt he was being punished unfairly because only he not his brother was being punished. Peter knew as did Paul that Paul was normally in his room after school and so it was not a deprivation whatsoever.

Importantly instead of teaching both boys the lesson of negative consequences to their choice to defy the rules the equal punishment wrought a very different outcome.

Paul who suffered no ill from disobeying had less fear to stretch the rules in the future if the worst he could be harmed would be room banishment.

Peter who suffered the denial of being outside cavorting with his friends felt persecuted unfairly not rightfully punished. Peter held jealous anger toward his brother Paul and insecurity over his mother’s favoring of his brother.
Worse than this Peter’s persecution perception now negated the punishment lesson by causing him to believe it mattered little whether he chose right over wrong as he felt disfavored. He might as well indulge his whimsy and be a rule breaker because nobody cares about him.

Version II punishment under fairness;

When Peter and Paul arrived home from school they were met with a very angry mother that sentenced both boys to what she called fair punishment. She banished Peter to his room after school for a week only to come out for dinner. She banished Paul from his room for a week only to be allowed to return to it at night to sleep.

Both Peter and Paul accepted that they disobeyed mother’s rule and deserved to be punished. Both boys hated their punishment and would love to trade places yet both boys knew they were being treated fairly by their mother. Both boys learned that if they wanted to avoid this punishment in the future they needed to think about the consequences of their actions and make better choices.  

Even our creator did not distribute equality to our likeness, abilities, and characteristics as individuals. We were only given equally life and the free will to exercise that life either for good or unwholesome purpose.

“All men are created equal” has been corrupted by implying it means there are and or should be no differences among individuals. Yet the real meaning refers instead to humanity’s view on the sanctity of all human life being equally respected. What you then pursue, dream, hope, aspire and rise to as an individual is between your conscience and your creator not under the control or thumb of human dictates.

Pluralism was the construct of our forefathers to ensure a level playing field of fairness in an acknowledgement of unequal designs of humans by making the law be equally applicable to all under it. Those laws had to have the support of the people to be both created and abolished but no American would be allowed to be above the law.

Adjudication and punishment of violating the law was also viewed as propriety of exacting fairness commensurate with the level of lawbreaking (murder) the circumstances of the lawbreaking (self-defense) and the judgment of jurists and jury to a fair penalty.

Statist in this country have preached socialism in the pulpit (social justice) have taught socialism in the classroom, demand socialism in the workplace (unionization) while corporate America gives an equal corrupted dollar to both political parties to advance socialist elitism. 

The insurgency started in the Democratic Party that has been shrill shill of socialist’s agitators for half a century but Americans know that the Republican Party has a number of insurgents in their ranks as well.
Parties are corrupt, both parties seek to power grab from the people but there is a major difference that has been brewing as the counter insurgency in the American politic. Do you know what that is? Have you heard of them?

Yes the Tea Party Movement, the concerned citizens, the libertarians, the awakened voters, the patriotic activists, the independents and yes the traditional American that still salutes the flag in honor for which she stands.

We the great unwashed electorate that wonders how it is after each election nothing changes and instead grows worse in corruption and disseverment of our hard fought freedoms. 

Well to all those undecided voters, cynical voters and fooled voters by leftist ideology this is the time to decide which side you are on. This is the time to step off the sideline. This is the time to vote with a whole different mindset. Hire them and fire them but don’t admire them!

Patriotic Americans are committed to work through the Republican Party that still holds hope to be infused with constitutional faithful, constituent faithful, American value faithful, free enterprise faithful and honor in office faithful politicians.

We are not delusional, dumb, trusting, and hypocritical or expecting that those we elect will honor their words of promise rather we will be vigilant as their boss to keep them to task.

Since 2010 and well into the future elections past 2012 and into 2014, 2016 and so on the new American electorate will push back the corrupt insurgents against our Constitutional Republic. 

Obama and the Democrats have tried to divide us, make us cynically believe their equality drivel and have numbed down our minds, hearts and loyalties to our fellow Americans.

Government isn’t charitable, Americans are, government isn’t inventive Americans are, government isn’t efficient Americans are, government isn’t successful Americans are and government did not build our nation Americans did! Americans don’t leave Americans behind our government did that! 

You must vote Romney and Ryan along with voting for Republicans in the House and Senate for it is our only chance to start the peaceful counter revolution to the statist’s socialists that have completely infiltrated the Democratic Party.

If John F. Kennedy were alive today he would vote for Romney and Ryan for he would not recognize his own party that lacks “Profiles in Courage”.